November 10, 2003

ewwww - ick!

prplicon.jpgSunday steps: 5768

Sorry to any who might have read some past comments . . . just deleted 5 ads for the big blue pill - ewwww - ick!! Leave me alone, already.

okay, that's out of my system. ;-)

thanks to those who commented about the picture that the Ladybug took of hubby, grandgirl and me. She's a cutie patootie, that one. So elfen and tiny. But, growing up so fast on us. And, the heart patters I have when she comes running to me full tilt with her little voice saying "Nannie!" Well, when you have grands of your own you will know . . . and those of you who already do . . . fun, isn't it?

Lots of co-workers feeling puny today - and I was right there with them. Ewww - Ick! I think a lot of us are glad tomorrow is a holiday. Today I worked a bit on the agency's webpage, adding information on our 2004 Run for Women. It is so nice to have a hubby willing to donate some volunteer time by converting files to pdf format for us. I am hoping to get that software soon so that I can do it myself. And, it is nice to have a daughter who won't laugh (too hard) when I call her with dumb questions - like how do I get this file onto my page, eh? Thanks, Lessa.

Hubby took SIL out to shoot some pool tonight while I walked on the treadmill. When he came home I was still sweating (erm, make that glowing) so he stated the obvious go for a walk? I nodded yes and smarted back go for a smoke? He quit smoking about 11 years ago - but was reeking of it tonight when he got home. No, he only inhaled second hand, but ewww, ick!

so, there you have my ewww, ick report for the day.

Remember to thank a Veteran tomorrow. Indeed, thank them every day you can wake up and feel free enough to walk the streets of your town, write a letter to your editor, or write an entry on your blog. Our country was founded on the backs of many young men and women - bought with their blood. Our country will only remain free as long as we remember where we came from, and remember to thank those who made it possible.

'night, folks

Posted by Purplemoose at November 10, 2003 10:43 PM

You know about MT-Blacklist, don't you? It does good things to spam.

Posted by: Linkmeister at November 11, 2003 12:10 AM

I was just going to say - if you want me to install that for you guys mom, lemme know. I haven't done it on my site yet, but I haven't had too many problems and they're only hitting the old journal. *L*

Posted by: Lessa at November 11, 2003 02:21 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau