November 13, 2003

Ring, ring, ring . . . hello?

prplicon.jpgSunday steps: 5768
Monday steps: 9362 • Tuesday steps: 6450
Wednesday steps: 8807

Remember this entry? I mentioned our phone troubles and the visit from an old pre-school student.

Well, apparently when all the phone nonsense happened I lost my Call Wave call forwarding. Ummm, yeah, I just figured it out - slow, huh? Sigh! I will have to call the phone company and ask them again to set up my call forwarding. It was such a pain the first time, too. Oh well - I probably won't get to it until Monday. So, if you call and there's a busy signal - either we are on the phone or online. ;-))

Tomorrow morning hubby is flying to Anchorage after he gets the grands to their school/school busses. He has an eye specialist appointment in the afternoon. Normally I would drive him up - except that I have a dental appt. at 10:30.

Who would guess that the appointment he set a year ago - and the one I set six months ago would fall on the same day? Humpf.

So he is flying up - a friend of his will pick him up at the airport and they will buddy around for awhile and then he will go to his appt. Meanwhile, I will do the house straightening thing (always do before heading out of town) and then go to my appt. and then I will drive to Anchorage and pick him up at his doctor's office.

We plan to spend the night - maybe have dinner with his buddy and his wife - do bit of birthday boys shopping before heading back to Kenai on Saturday afternoon. I'd like to be on the road and through the worst of the mountains before dark because the roads are terrible right now - lots of snow in Turnagain Pass and LOTS of idiot drivers. Oh, you mean THAT'S why people have studded tires - or - Oh, you mean I should SLOW DOWN on roads like these?

Yup it's a learning experience for some - and for others a heartbreak. There has already been one traffic death (in Anchorage) because of poor winter driving skills. It happens every year. People just forget how to drive in this stuff.

So, I will be taking it easy - and watching out for the other guy - and, Lord willing, I will see you all back here Saturday night or Sunday morning. 'kay?

Posted by Purplemoose at November 13, 2003 10:53 PM

(Gotta say it) "You be careful out there, you hear??" Now that's profound. You're welcome....

Posted by: Lorraine at November 14, 2003 03:17 PM

be carfull mommy I love you!

Posted by: Ladybug at November 14, 2003 03:43 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau