November 15, 2003

weekend recap

prplicon.jpgSunday steps: 5768
Monday steps: 9362 • Tuesday steps: 6450
Wednesday steps: 8807 • Thursday steps: 9097
Friday steps: 5594 • Saturday steps: 7471
Week total: 52549

The trip to Anchorage was nice. Hubby called to let me know he was done at his doctor's office just as I was pulling into Girdwood, 25 miles away. So, the timing was nearly perfect. We had a snack and then checked into our hotel.

Then we did the Grandpa, Nana walk . . . you know Toys R Us. Oh, yeah . . . we could do some damage in there. Got birthday gifts for two of the grandboys and a couple of Christmas gifts. Gonna need to go back, though. Still have grandkiddos without (enough) gifts. (hah)

After we killed some time (and hubby's wallet) there, we met some friends for dinner at Las Margaritas. Hubby said this morning that it is his new favorite restaurant in Anchorage.

The man in the couple we met is an old friend, used to be business partner/sharer of work space. His wife is the director of one of the domestic violence agencies in Anchorage. So, while the hubbies caught up on old times, she and I talked shop. We had a great time - spent three hours holding down that table. And, the food was good, too.

When we reached our hotel, I was not too happy with my step count - I know it is understandable as I spent the morning in the dentist's chair and the afternoon in the car on a 3 hour drive . . . then the evening at the restaurant. But, still! So I did what I could do - got hubby settled in by the tv set and then did laps on our floor - from one end of the 6th floor to the next - around and around until I had accumulated enough steps to placate myself. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

This morning my sister-friend met us for breakfast and we had a grand time together. And the breakfast buffet at the Sheraton is not a bad deal.

More shopping followed our check-out. We went to the REI store for ice cleats like my friend's and found them - they are called Stableicers (about midway down that page). Hubby and I have fallen so many times on icy roads and sidewalks. And, we are not getting any younger (har-har) so, want to protect ourselves if we can. You should see these things overtop of Birkenstocks and polar fleece socks. snort!

We found a couple of other things there as well - did a bit more damage to the wallet.

Then we stopped by Alaska Leather to visit with our friend, Barb. I will be needing to visit her in the spring for new chaps - my old ones were getting too loose at the end of riding season this year, and they will probably not fit me at all in the spring (yay). A new all-purpose jacket may be needed also. I have a lavender one for "parades" or sunny rides, but need a new black one for everyday - rainy - slimy rides. Yup, yup, yup.

And, as is usual in Anchorage, we ran into a couple of motorcycle friends in the leather store. Another Barb . . . we had a 3-Barb confab, we did. It was fun because it was unexpected, and that made it nice.

Stopped by Barnes & Noble afterwards to have a light lunch and picked up a book on audio for the ride home - then a quick stop back at Toys R Us for something they were out of last night.

The ride home always seems longer than the trip up - maybe because it is usually at the end of the day. Traffic was weird - either traveling way too fast, or much too slow. But we made it home in good time and pretty much vegged for the rest of the evening - hubby sat in front of tv and I stepped out on the treadmill - then we watched SIL's loaner dvd of Charlie's Angels. All together now, can we say omg - what a BBBBBBBB movie that was! Even cornier than the tv show was.

And, now it is past my bedtime, so I am going to wish you all a good night. Have a wonderful day of rest.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 15, 2003 11:23 PM

Hey! I was over on the REI site and thought this sounded so funny... "CORDURA CARRY CASE FOR "PICK OF LIFE" ICE AWLS" I know it's prolly just me...but :)

Wow, a very full weekend for you both!

Posted by: Lori at November 16, 2003 11:25 AM

Ooops. Sorry I shouted...I just did a copy n' paste of that text from the REI site...I guess I should have gotten rid of the caps?

Posted by: Lori at November 16, 2003 11:26 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau