January 02, 2004

Laziness (?)

I have been pretty much laying low over the past few days. I feel like I should be calling myself lazy, but I know that it isn't that. Last Saturday night I was not able to sleep well due to a gurgle in my chest. That usually is the precursor to a nasty lung infection with me, so I began to take good old echinacea and goldenseal in hopes that it could be stalled, if not quelled.

Spent Sunday - Tuesday nights sleeping upright in my chair so that I could get some sleep - coughed too badly to lie down. Was able to go through the motions of working each day - and felt well enough to attend John's funeral.

After all, everyone around town has some sort of the same crud. So, deal with it and get on with life, moosie.

But, after the funeral I just felt drawn and quartered - butt dragging despite myself. I dozed most of yesterday, in and out of college bowl games - not sure who won any of them. I did get in my hour on the treadmill, though, to start the year off right. But not today - today I have been dragging big time - eyes watering, nose itching, sneezing, but not as much coughing as before, and the chest is no longer gurgling as badly. So, tomorrow should be a better day.

In the meantime . . . I have news to share with you. Daughter, Lessa, took part in NANOWRIMO during the month of November. I have been itching to let you in on a secret, but she swore me to silence. Until now.

Now that her best friend has received his copy of Devil with a Halo on, I can send you over to check it out for yourselves. Many of us who spend time writing in these journals/blogs also dabble in the written word with hopes of, or successes in, publishing our work. It is a great accomplishment when we see our first book in print. Lessa is rightfully proud. I hope you will at least take a look at her work.

Second - Faith led me to Blog Madness 2003. I didn't have as many entries to go through as she did, as I have only been using MT a few months, and my previous blog is no longer available. I did find one that I thought might be worthy to share with the judging world, the story of Timothy.

Looks like there still may be time if you all would like to enter the contest. I look forward to reading the various entries, myself. What a neat way to find new blogs.

Well, I guess that is about all that I was going to share tonight. I hope that you are all well and enjoying this long weekend. The kiddos are back to school on Monday - I am back to work on Monday - the Saturn is back into the shop on Monday (trouble with the auto start/security system or somesuch). Hmmm - Monday is going to be a busy day.

Oh, one other thing - we watched the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen tonight. We had been warned off it - people thought it was worse than bad, etc. So, I knew that hubby would enjoy it immensely, and he did. I thought it was a fun watch, also. But, then I don't get too upset about inconsistencies and mistakes like some people do. If a movie is truly bad to my senses, I will simply fall asleep. ;-))

Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone.

p.s. I mentioned the bowl games yesterday and that I didn't know who had won or lost . . . well, I know who won today . . . Ohio State University!! Bravo for the hometown team. Yay.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 2, 2004 10:47 PM

Get better, girl!!!

...and thanks for the review! One question: is it kid safe? I've been debating that one simply to be able to watch Connery..

Posted by: dan at January 2, 2004 11:34 PM

hmmm - well, Dan, I guess it would depend on your kids. No nudity - well, the invisible man says he is nude, but then, how are we going to be able to know that, eh? I don't recall any foul language. There are several fight scenes, but boys would probably go "ewwww - rewind so we can see that again." There is a vampire.

on the whole, I would say, rent it and watch it - adults only - first. And, then if you think the boys can watch it, watch it with them. You'll get to see Sean (the very reason I wanted to see it) and, if you deem it kid-safe, you get to see Sean twice. ;-))


Posted by: barbara at January 2, 2004 11:59 PM

Depends on your kids really - all three of mine watched it with no bad reviews. The 11 year old loved it, the 9 year old girl though it was cool, the 4 year old lost interest halfway through and played with her toys instead. *L* So depends on your kids and stuff. *grin*.

Posted by: Lessa at January 3, 2004 12:33 AM

Been wanting to watch that movie. I will have to get it. Mr. Bug wants to buy it.t hinks it will be worth the ownership. LOL

Posted by: Ladybug at January 3, 2004 09:46 AM

feel better -- I know what you mean about feeling puny.
We had a funeral of a close family friend today and it pretty much wiped out everyone physically and emotionally. Plus the weather here is HOT -- we hit 78 yesterday -- so the allergens are doing weird things and the south wind is just nasty. Bleagh.

Posted by: Skatemom at January 3, 2004 04:06 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau