January 25, 2004

A new week

• Blogmadness Voting has begun •
You will find my entry in the Sports Region for some reason. ;-)) The rules are posted there and the amount of time left in this round of voting is posted as well. It's not a popularity contest (really, it isn't) and there are some very good entries there. Enjoy.

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Yup - it's a new week. And, look at that calendar, will ya? We are in the last week of the first month of the new year!!! Good grief, where in the world has time gone. LOL. I remind myself of my grandmother. She would say to my sister and me (you know - whenever we would roll our eyes over something she had warned/told/threatened us about) Never mind - you'll get old some day and then you'll see. Oh, Grandma Abbott, how right you were. And, how much you would enjoy hearing me admit that you were right. LOL.

Oh, man - look at those step numbers over there under the calendar. Can you believe that I am 89 steps off my first 10%?? I knew I should have taken that extra lap around the grocery store today. Oh well, my first duckie comes tomorrow, Lord willing. Still a bit less than 1/2 way to my first duckie for mileage. It'll come all in good time.

Quite chilly out again today. Below zero this morning, up to about 12 above by sunset. Anchorage is getting clouds and wind and snow tonight - warmer temps along with that. We will probably see that warming trend this week also.

This is one good reason to say goodbye to January. The temps begin to moderate - usually - in February.

Oh, our snow will still be with us for a few months yet. This has been a good winter for snow. I don't think they will have to worry too much about snow for the Iditarod. The starting points have had to change over the past couple of years because there wasn't enough snow in Anchorage to be safe. They couldn't even find enough to truck in to cover the streets last year. Like I said, I don't think that is going to be a problem this year. The "snow dumps" around Anchortown are HUGE!

I will let the Ladybug tell the news about Dezi and dog mushing. Yes, there will be pictures if all goes according to hopes and plans. ;-))

Guess that is about it for tonight folks. No great words of wisdom from the moose. I've about cooled down from my treadmill workout so I can safely call it a night.

And that I will.

Have a great Monday, everyone. OH!! and thanks to my cheerleaders in the comments from this entry.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 25, 2004 11:14 PM

I think you've pretty much walked the circumfrence of the earth by now, no? It's quite impressive. And I get chilly just thinking about all that snow.

Posted by: jadedju at January 26, 2004 08:23 PM

lol, Jilly. Not quite, I don't think - it just FEELS like it. heh.

And, you'd be nice and warm up here, I promise you that. We'd keep you warm.

Posted by: barbara at January 26, 2004 10:11 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau