January 28, 2004

after birthday glow

• Blogmadness Voting in Round 1 Will Soon End•
You will find my entry in the Sports Region for some reason. ;-)) The rules are posted there and the amount of time left in this round of voting is posted as well. It's not a popularity contest (really, it isn't) and there are some very good entries there. Enjoy.
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Thank you all for sending your birthday greetings. Thanks, Ali, for the lovely photo of Mauna Kea in her white mantle. And, Dan, thanks for the moose prints. ;-) You guys are a trip.

I kind of ruined a surprise by coming home a tad early last night. Our CPR class got out just before 5 so I came on home. As I was checking the mail, Ladybug drove up behind me. I waved and she pulled into Lessa's driveway.

Pretty soon, I heard boot thumps in the garage and in trooped all of the grands -- and their mamas - singing and shouting Happy Birthday, Nana/Nani/Gramma! Surprise! We brought you dinner - now go away so we can cook it.


I was well-loved and well-wallered (is too a word!) by my grandbabies. But of course, there are pictures!

Miss Kinzie got into her mama's good makeup and became Groucho Marx. She was fascinated by her new look and kept taking Paw-Paw's mirror to check it out. She finally became a bit upset with the look and allowed Nani to wash it off. ::smirk::

And a lovely time was had by all. Paw-Paw provided the pizzas - daughters cooked them - kiddos ate them - Jessi demanded mama buy a cake (and got her way) - I took the leftovers to work - it was lovely.

And, all of your wishes helped as well. Thank you again.

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The CPR class, btw, went just fine. I was able to take care of the dummies and do it for the most part without crying by cracking jokes and being a wisea**. Hey, whatever works, right? Right.

take care friends - have a wonderful Thursday.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 28, 2004 05:58 PM

Aw, rats. Well, happy belated birthday, Moosie!

Posted by: Linkmeister at January 30, 2004 03:29 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau