February 05, 2004

beeeg smiles

First off - it's Thursday - the only other night I really watch tv. And, yes, it is ER night. Can we all repeat Revenge is a dish best served cold.??? I knew we could. The Rocket would be rolling - if he could. LOL

Now - to my second report of the night. The results are in. Tonight was the evaluation for the 10000 Step Program. A night for the tell-tale weigh-in, and a chance to walk a couple of miles around the halls of the middle school afterwards.

There were also staions for stretching and pushups and flexibility. I did most of the stretches and know how to do the rest. Forget the pushups - my wrists can't take the stress of holding me up. heh. But, the flexibility portion. Whizzed that one.

You have to remove your shoes and then sit on the floor with your legs straight and feet flat against a box. Then you stretch your arms - without jerking (empahsis the hospital's) - across the top of the box alongside a ruler. They mark where your fingertips end and that tells you how flexible you are for your age. I measured 18.5 inches and was high on the scale for my age. Woo-hoo me. Now, somebody HELP the gal up offa da floor!

Walked a mile with an acquaintance from our business. She and I chatted the whole time and the 7 laps went in lickety-split fashion. We clocked the mile in 20 minutes exactly - hey, we're both 54 years old for heaven's sake! Then we checked our pulse and she was told she was average and I was below average. They told me to speed it up to get the heartrate up, but I just said, this is my speed limit for tonight.

And, I wasn't wrong, either. Another friend was there when the first friend and I finished. She was planning to walk, so I did another mile with her. Again, 20 minutes - again around the same pulse rate. So, I guess that was my speed limit.

What's that you ask . . . how was the weigh-in? Oh, that! Of course. Well, I was still a bit leery (ask the Ladybug, she's my witness), but I rose to the task and jumped up onto the scale with a smile. (yeah, right) and . . . . .

here it comes . . .

are ya ready ?

25.5 pounds!!! MIA - gone - kaput - WOO-HOO! It's official. They have it marked down on paper - AND in the computer. Ta-dah! And, on their scales, nonetheless. Wahoo.

okay, I'll stop now.


Posted by Purplemoose at February 5, 2004 10:25 PM


Posted by: Mary Lou at February 5, 2004 11:08 PM

Yay Moosie!!!!

Posted by: Lisa at February 6, 2004 04:59 AM

Told you ...... see it wasnt a dream after all.


Posted by: Ladybug at February 6, 2004 08:07 AM

Yee-haw! Congrats! That's a two-year old you've lost somewhere!! And you're so much less likely to find it again keeping up with the walking. Great job!

Posted by: Skatemom at February 6, 2004 09:31 AM

Excellent news!


Posted by: dan at February 7, 2004 11:28 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau