February 06, 2004


That's what I am - wrapped. Tightly wrapped around the tiniest finger of the tiniest grandgirl. How so, you might ask?

Well, it's like this: I woke up this morning and just reveled in having a lazy day off work. Was feeling a bit puny with this head cold/sinus/whatever thing that I've been battling over the past few days. So, waved bye to hubby and the two grandkiddles and settled down in front of the computer for a bit of a lazy time checking in on all of you.

Went by Lolo's and ooohed and ahhed over her nursery flower shots. I could use a bit of color right now - and so, it was loverly to share some of hers.

Then I dropped by to check on Cat's little one and did some more ooohing and ahhhing.

Glanced out of my window to see the Ladybug's van driving up, so logged off and met her and Miss Kinzie at the door. "you da princess!" , Kinzie tells me. I am dressed in nightgown and robe and she loves any "dress" type attire and calls whoever is wearing such a princess. That's my girl!

We chatted for awhile and Kinzie helped herself to Paw-Paw's stash of goodies. And, then the wrapping began.

"Nani go shopping with us."

Well, sweetie, Nani needs to get a shower first. "Okay, you take a shower." Mama says - it's okay if you don't want to - whereupon I laugh, turn on Sesame Street for Kinzie and dutifully head off to take a shower.

And, off we went - to the Boys and Girls Club to sign brother up for indoor soccer - then to Soldotna to Fred Meyer to look around (and buy stuff, of course) - then to McD's for lunch because that is what the Princess wanted. (the little one - by now I am in jeans which means I am no longer a princess - heh) - then to the bookstore to pick up mama's book and Nani just happened to find something cute for the little girl for her coming birthday. (I didn't get 30% off, though - oh, well)

Then it was time to head home - TAT would be getting off the school bus soon and the little miss proceeded to fall asleep in the car seat. It had been a busy morning. I loved every minute of it. Thanks, Ladybug.

Spent the better part of the afternoon rearranging our bedroom. It's not very big and we have a king sized bed - there are only two walls it works on. So, it was time to move it to the other wall. Phew! That is some hard work, I'll tell ya. I am unable to flip the mattress by myself - it has been a long time since I have seen that one commercial where the girl is trying to flip the mattress and ends up being pancaked by it. Yup, I am afraid that is what would happen to me if I tried to flip it by myself. But, I turned it head to toe and put clean sheets on it and that is good enough for now.

Found that the dust under the bed had dust of its own - lovely little critters multiplying down there. Vacuumed that all up.

When hubby got home from work, I made him go back to the room and check it out while it was still light outside and he was still pretty much awake. That way he wouldn't stumble or be surprised by anything tonight when he goes to bed. Men are so funny sometimes. He came back out and said huh- put it back the other way, huh? lol. Well, that's as good a response as any, I guess.

Have to tell you about one other thing that happened last night at the evaluation. When we signed up for the program in September we gave our shirt sizes and last night we received our program shirts. I just stuffed mine into my bag and didn't even look at it until today. Put it on to go shopping with Kinzie.

And, started to laugh. Walked out to show the Ladybug why I was laughing. You see, I asked for a 3X and it now fits me like a nightgown (yes, I'm a princess in it). It comes below my panty line. The sleeves are about 4 inches too long. And, I have LOTS of room for boobage I no longer have. It is just way too funny.

I guess that just shows that my mind was so not on weight loss when I joined the program. All I was thinking about was getting into shape. Duh!

It's just one of life's little surprises, I guess.

And, with that I am signing off for tonight. You all have a wonderful Saturday. I think I am going to tackle that pile of laundry in between a hair cut and a basketball game.


Round 3 of Blog Madness is now under way. You can find my matchup here. The choices are getting more difficult and the pickings a bit slim. There are only 4 match-ups in each of the four categories now. Go - read - enjoy - vote. Thank you, thank you very much. ;-))

Posted by Purplemoose at February 6, 2004 10:02 PM

You should see her in her little shirt. *LOL* Cutest Princes you ever did see. the one thing she didnt mention. was that her arms have shrunk SO MUCH that the shirt arm hols went almost below her bra line. Melting away I tell ya. and she is the GOOD WITCH. LOL

Posted by: Ladybug at February 6, 2004 11:13 PM

P,S, thank you mom for a great morning and after noon. Yes youa re wraped but that is how they like it. I enjoyed our time. hope to do it again soon. MUAH!

Posted by: Ladybug at February 7, 2004 07:41 AM

Wow, Barbara! That's really cool news (the shirt not fitting)!

Posted by: dan at February 7, 2004 11:27 AM

I am so delighted that this has happened for you. Sometimes it's easy to get discouraged because sometimes we just can't see progress--it happens gradually.

Yayyyyy for that shirt that doesn't fit at all!

Posted by: Marn, eh at February 7, 2004 05:43 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau