February 07, 2004

High Centered

One of the pitfalls of living in Alaska is also one of its beauties. SNOW.

I've posted photos here to show you how beautiful our area is in the snow - there is really nothing prettier than a sunny day - blue skies - soft fluffy white clouds - and minus temps - making the snow fairly sparkle like diamonds. It is very pretty. And, I appreciate the beauty in the scene.

But there are other days - other happenings - caused by snow - that can just set your teeth on edge. This evening was that day.

I was headed out to watch Miss Mairi's basketball game. Not really in a rush, I had plenty of time. Not sure where my mind was - but it apparently was NOT on getting out of my driveway.

You see, I know that I have to angle the car to the left when pulling out. It is the best way to get around the huge pile of snow that the city plows keep leaving at that corner of the driveway. My head knew better.

But I apparently was on autopilot and just backed the Saturn out and to the right - but didn't quite make it onto the road. Nope - and I couldn't rock forward or backward, either. In fact, my right rear tire was barely touching the ground.

I was high centered!!!

Nothing to do but grab the shovel and begin digging as best as I could. A call to hubby tells me that he won't be able to leave the color job he is printing for at least an hour. Daughter comes by - she offers to go find a friend to pull me out. He can't be found. I tell her to take the girl to her game and dad will be home in an hour or so. Meanwhile she goes by her sister's (Ladybug) house to find that SHE is also high centered.

I've heard of empathy before, but good grief! LOL

I dig and dig and beging to get pretty warm doing so. Must go inside to dry back out or I will freeze. While I am inside my neighbor who has a truck which could have gotten me out, starts her truck and leaves before I can get out to ask her for help. Sigh.

Dig some more - wait some more - do another load of laundry - fold and put away the dry clothes - and then, hubby is there with two friends and Lessa is back from the girl's game and the fun begins. Two tugs and the Saturn is on the road. Hubby says I did a good job getting as much snow out from under the car as I did. (yay, a compliment!) (I'll be complaining tomorrow about a sore shoulder and wrist from manhandling the shovel)

And, then it is (way past) time to take Miss Jessi to dinner and shopping. We usually do it on Sunday afternoon, but hubby has to finish that color job tomorrow. Jessi picks (surprise) McD's for dinner. She chatters nonstop until our ears begin to bleed. (okay, not really)

We spend an hour or so at the store - then stop for gas. All of the while she is chattering. Then she begins to sing a sort of humming non-melody. We know that by this time she is getting pretty tired, so we try to keep her awake by asking her questions. Suddenly there is no answer. Barely a mile from home she has given up the fight.

We call mama on the cell to let her know she needs to come and carry her into the house - the dome light comes on and so does the light in that little girl's eyes. She is wide awake now and walks into the house under her own steam.

ahhhhh to be four years old again. (four and a half!)

Oh - and I got my hair cut this morning. A sort of chin length bob, I guess. And, the sytlist gave me a neck massage while she was washing my hair. Oh, my! I gave her all day to stop that, I'll tell ya. It was bliss.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 7, 2004 10:44 PM

And apparently that little 2 minute nap was all she needed. it's 11:30 and she's STILL TALKING!!!!

gah. I swear. is it any wonder i'm exhausted all the time? *L*

Posted by: Lessa at February 7, 2004 11:14 PM


And grandmoms...

Posted by: dan at February 8, 2004 12:41 AM

I got high centered in our drive on Friday. Shoveled quite angrily for an hour before I called for help. Somehow my power steering went out in the process but you know, I still LOVE all this snow. So pretty.

Posted by: Lisa at February 8, 2004 07:22 AM

Well you kno w I am the best type of empathetic person you will find. LOL. Kidding really. it took a few tugs for me and hubby bug had me out. Thank goodness. pg hormones had me balling in a matter of min. over the whole fact that I was stuck anyway. yesterday was a BAD day for me. LOL

Posted by: Ladybug at February 8, 2004 10:06 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau