February 10, 2004

Earth, Wind & Fire

well, okay, not really. Let's try Rain, Wind and Earthquake . . .

did someone say earthquake?

yup, that about covers it. Today it rained pretty much all day long - although we had some nice sunny breaks mid-day. The wind was steady - enough to make the trees bend, and some snap. And, yes, an earthquake . . . which I did not feel . . . because I was driving at the time. Drat! The last two shakers I have missed because I was driving. Sigh.

Had been talking with hubby on the cell - letting him know I was on my way to a meeting in Soldotna - also wanted to let him know how my annual review had gone.*

Hadn't hung up for even a minute when the phone rang. Did you feel it? Feel what? The shaker - musta been a 4 or better. Uh, no, honey, I'm driving. Oh, yeah - well it near rocked me offa da throne. Gee, thanks for sharing sweetie.

Hmmm - just went searching - and it looks like he was right - sort of. It was a magnitude 5.82. The map on that page is of the Kenai Peninsula of the southcentral region of Alaska. They don't have Kenai marked - we are right about here:


Looks to me like we had a busy seismic day today.

Just another day in paradise. ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The director and I attended a luncheon meeting of a women's missionary group in Soldotna today. That was where I was heading when hubby called. She spoke on the agency and its different components and our mission and such. I was then asked to speak about various volunteer opportunities with the agency. We had a nice smallish group today. And, I know several of them, it turns out, so that made it easier.

Thursday I am attending another meeting in her stead. I'll simply be observing and taking notes. She will attend the next one and will be able to speak for the agency at that point.

And, so life progresses another day in small town Alaska. I trust that your Tuesday was a good one as well. Have a great Wednesday.

*this was the first review with the new director. She has told all of us that she does not give "3's" (number system 1, 2, 3 with 1 being subpar and 3 being fantabulous), so I was a bit nervous. However, I was surprised to be on the receiving end of several 2's a couple of 2+'s and several 3's. Woo-hoo for me.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 10, 2004 09:09 PM


Posted by: Ladybug at February 11, 2004 08:31 AM

When I lived in ADAK the houses there were on rollers, so they would not fall down with all the shakers there. I ran downstairs during one biggie to see if my son was ok, He was laying on the floor watching tv with his size 14 tennis shoes braced on the grandfather clock so It wouldnt fall on him. Never missed a beat of the program on tv. Real cool dude!

Posted by: Mary Lou at February 11, 2004 08:32 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau