February 11, 2004


Thought I would let you know how young Christopher is. He is home safe and sound now. Was released from the hospital yesterday and he and Mama flew home. In fact, they were in Wednesday evening Bible study tonight. He was bright and cheerful and Mama was beaming. Oh, how the praises rang out tonight.

Thank you all for your prayers. Mama Rachel asks me to pass on her thanks as well.

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Weather update:
I understand that Alaska has the state of Hawaii to thank for this wonderfully warm spate of weather. Thank you Linky - thank you, Ali. We have had record breaking temps in the mid 40's the past three days. I, for one, am loving it.

Today at work, I broke away from sitting at my desk to go outside twice to chip at ice on our sidewalk. We have a metal roof and the snow and ice were just dripping like crazy. Of course, that runoff then freezes on the sidewalk overnight and it can be a dangerous situation. We put ice melt on, let it sit for a bit, then go out and scrape away what we can. Then it is more ice melt and scrape again. We try to keep kitty litter on it to give people a firm footing.

This is a dangerous time of the year to have a metal roof. The snow will often slide off unexpectedly and if you are standing under it at that time . . . well, it can hurt. A young man was killed at Portage (near Anchorage) a few weeks ago when a 650 pound slab of snow and ice fell on him. A 53 year old man was injured tonight in Anchorage when a slab the size of the hood of a car hit him. So, watch where you're walking, okay? I will, too.

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Baby update -
nope, not yet. Ladybug is incommunicado tonight, hopes to be back online tomorrow. But, she is still preggers. She sees her doctor tomorrow and we will see what we will see then. Thank you all for your thoughts for her.
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stepping and weight . . .
Still stepping along - we are now 21 weeks into the 10,000 Step Program - and 6 weeks into Marn's 500 Miles to Nowhere challenge. So, what is going on and where are we at this point?

The 10,000 Step Program began Sept. 18, 2003. Since that time I have logged 1,117,337 steps. (WOW!!!) I have also lost over 25 pounds. From a purely sedentary lifestyle where the first 15 minutes on my treadmill nearly killed me - to tonight when I walkd 90 minutes on that selfsame treadmill. Woo-hoo!

Marn's 500 Miles to Nowhere Challenge began New Year's Day. I was looking for something to keep me committed (or, perhaps, HAVE me committed) once the 10K Step Program ended in May. I like the challenge of being held up to my word, you know? I have to keep two types of records, though, and that is sometimes fun. lol.

In the 6 weeks I have been taking part in the challenge I have logged 77.29 miles and 174,903 Steps. I am aiming for 700 miles and a million steps by Dec. 31st. There are now two 10% duckies over there on the left - one for mileage and one for steps.

Well, I think that is about it for the updates. Hope that your Thursday is a good one. I will be attending a meeting at 11:30 on homelessness in our area. A group is organizing to establish a "faith-based" shelter system. It is an interesting concept and we are watching it. We house women and children on an emergency basis - those who have been involved in domestic violence or sexual assault situations. But, there is a group of homeless in our small area who are outside of those boundaries. Sadly, this is a needed organizational effort.

Take care, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 11, 2004 11:08 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau