February 17, 2004

Birthdays upon birthdays

Today is daughter Lessa's birthday. My first born - the daughter of my youth. It felt like we grew up together. I had just turned 20 when she was born. Hubby and I had been married just less than a year. She came into the world a lusty, 8 plus pounder, with a wondrous set of lungs, and barely enough peach fuzz to be called hair - pure white.

She didn't walk until she was 13 months old, but was talking a blue streak way before then. That combination remains the same. ;-) One of my favorite photos of her was taken when she was about 3 years old. The photographer was struck by the contrast of her white hair - set high on her head in pony tails - against a black background. It is a striking photo.

I love you, my girl. May your next year bring you everything for which you could hope - and that much more.

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Wednesday is Miss Kinzie's third birthday. She is still the teensiest of little things, at under 30 pounds. She is having a bit of trouble adjusting to no longer being the baby in the family, although we remind her that she is still the baby girl in the family. Like her brother, Isaiah, Kinzie was in a bit of a rush to come into the world - she was born a bit early - and when she came out, she came out quickly. The midwife nearly missed catching her and somersaulted her onto mama's tummy. (much like Isaiah did Saturday)

Kinzie is our princess. She loves to dress in pretty dresses - or a silky nightgown will do in a pinch. She sways to music slowly and sings as she twirls. Anyone who walks in wearing a dress - or even a long top with a bit of flare to it - is deemed a princess and she is fascinated by that person.

She loves to be loved - to be hugged - but only on her terms - when she wants to be. If she is not ready to be held or caressed, well you had best not interfere with her activity at that moment.

Happy birthday, Princess Ladybug. Your Nani loves you.

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Kinzie was born on the midwife's birthday, so tomorrow is Peggy's birthday also. Happy birthday!!
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Well, Blog Madness Winners Round 4 is now over - and Timothy came out on the short end of the stick. But that is okay. At least it was only by 15 and not by the 40 or so my opponent's previous opponent suffered. ;-)

I am still not out of the game as it is a double elimination. I will be matched up in an elimination bout - not sure when that will be, so watch this spot • . I will let you know when and where. And, thank you all for your votes. Timothy and I appreciate you.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 17, 2004 10:31 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau