February 21, 2004

Saturday wrap up

Tonight we celebrated Miss Kinzie's third birthday - her actual day was Wednesday - with a family gathering. Below you see her taking care of the important stuff first - when asked what was in whatever she had opened she said simply "it's mine!" Little dickens.


After presents came cake time - mama made a My Little Pony cake and there was even a candle that played the birthday song. We joined in the third time through - many voices, many different pitches, many good wishes.

After cake - and after much hilarity with blowing party whistles (quietly - yeah right) it was time to take a few minutes, sit back and put our hair up in a new hair band:


That looks like a sugar high stare if I have ever seen one. ;-) And a good time was had by all.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, the current elimination round of Blog Madness is over. And Timothy’s entry and my opponent’s entry ended in a tie. So once again I am at the mercy of the tiebreakers. And, that is okay.

I’d like to share a note I received from Kevin Donahue after our face-off. I had written to congratulate him on his win. It was difficult being up against him as I had voted for his entry in every one of his face-offs. So, he was a favorite of mine, even though I had never read him before Blog Madness.

Anyway, I received a very nice note with the following as the final paragraph: “Thanks, Barbara. Of the two of us, I would say that you are much more greatly blessed - you have Tim and I just have a blog.”

Now, you talk about someone who has his finger right on the button – there he is, folks.

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You might have noticed that my walking stats over there on the left have changed a bit. I have switched pedometers to one that measures distance as well as steps. While I am still counting steps for the 10000 Step Program, I am only counting mileage for the 500 Miles to Nowhere Challenge for a bit. I want to catch up to my step count with my mileage count. It was getting too far apart. So, for awhile I will convert the steps to miles at least until I reach my 20% mark and get my second duckie. Then it will be even again and I can begin to count steps AND mileage.

I have also added a button I made for RAINN the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. There is an 800 number listed in the button. And, clicking on it will take you to their website. The agency I work for gets calls from RAINN referrals quite often. It is good that they are available.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, friends, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Good night.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 21, 2004 10:56 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau