March 01, 2004

THAT was the secret?

I waited a week to hear that Larissa had a fling with Fabio? Oh, please! And, then to watch Gil's reaction. What a big baby he is. Peh! Brian, you are better off.

But, seriously . . .

Oh, well. In two weeks we will see Adam turn the tables and see how it feels to be in the choosing position.

and life goes on.

In the meantime, Timothy's story seems to be on the losing side of the Blog Madness finale. Ah, well.

You know, it has been fun - there is still some time left on the clock so maybe that will turn around. But even if it doesn't . . . I have found some new good reads.

The Friendly Stranger
Kevin Donahue and his lovely wife, Merrin
Sugarmama (even if she did withdraw her entry)

And, then there are some that I probably won't read again - just because for some reason their blog did not strike a chord in me. To be honest, you could probably go to any five blogs on this page and find something you liked. Sometimes it is fun to read outside of the box. Go - enjoy - come on back later. I'll still be here.

Question: Maybe one of you has the answer.

Tonight instead of walking on the treadmill I decided to give hubby's new exercise bike a spin around the living room. Hubby says that you have to do four times the mileage on a bike than you would do walking. So, how do I count those miles?

I rode for an hour (glutton for punishment - my butt cheeks went to sleep and they were hurting big time) and rode 10 miles. So, do I count those as 10 miles or as 10 divided by 4?????? Hmmm???? I want to be honest in my tally, you see.

Oh - and the quads - burn, baby, burn. Yeowch!! I think I am back on the treadmill tomorrow. ;-)

Have a wonderful Tuesday.

Posted by Purplemoose at March 1, 2004 10:26 PM

Hey, a mile is a mile. I do know that you get there faster by bike, so maybe he makes sense on that. I would do the time. It is important to get the time to get your metabolism to kick in.
If you walk for an hour, then bike for an hour.

Posted by: Phyllis at March 2, 2004 05:48 AM

I think tha tmakes perfect since mom. But I am sure that for your milage thing .... well I am not sure. maybe you should change the millage for that becouse it is the walk to no were. But you should ask the lady that does it. she will have a better answer for you than we will. I am glad you took it for a spin though. sounds like it was fun.


Yes Brian is MUCH better off.

Posted by: Ladybug at March 2, 2004 07:28 AM

hmmmmm... my bike counts the calories and it takes less time to get more calories on the bike than it does the treadmill. I guess because the bike ramps the heart up more quickly and maintains it? Regardless, ten miles on a bike?? You don't mess around do you? hehehehe

Posted by: Lisa at March 2, 2004 11:32 AM

I've wondered the same thing but in reverse. I bike so I wondered about how to count treadmill time in my goals. Someone suggested converting the time into miles by using your average. In other words, how many miles do you walk in an hour? Give yourself that mileage credit for an hours worth of biking. In my particular case it does happen to be right around 4 so the husband is on the right track.

Posted by: doug at March 2, 2004 11:49 AM

thanks everyone - your encouragment keeps me at it. ;-))

Posted by: barbara at March 2, 2004 03:34 PM

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