March 21, 2004

Weekend Wrap-up

We're back. The server upgrade went smoothly, thanks to daughter and to a wonderful server ( I left it in their more than capable hands and all is working just hunky-dory. Rah!

Hubby and I had a very nice, quiet weekend. We left town around 1 Friday afternoon and headed for Anchorage. The roads were clear, but the weather was C-O-L-D! The wind was pretty nasty all Friday and Saturday. By Saturday night it had finally begun to lessen, thankfully. Today it was almost balmy in the high 30's and low 40's.

We mostly ate all weekend. Isn't it funny how when you try to remember what you did at a given time, you can mostly remember what you ate, or where you ate? Yes, that was the kind of weekend it was.

We had dinner Friday night with my dear sister-friend at a Mexican restaurant. Before we left some other friends had come in for their own dinner and we got to visit with them for a few minutes, also.

Saturday morning we had breakfast at the hotel, and then took the car for service. Had them check out a couple of noises and they had to replace a couple of parts. (Love that extended warranty.) Then we drove around and around down town trying to find a parking space. I was to work at the Women On Wheels® booth for an hour at noon. Finally had to let hubby drop me off at the Egan Center so I could get in there in time, while he drove off in search for a spot to park. It wasn't easy.

Was a bit disappointed in the Bike Show. It was mostly dealers - and, while that is okay we love to see the SHOW - see what folks have done to their bikes, you know? I would guess there were only about 30 bikes (if that) in the show itself. The rest were all dealer bikes. So, we didn't stay too long after my stint was up.

We grabbed a bite to eat for lunch (see, more food) and then did some shopping and then went to visit with some friends whom we haven't seen in a long time. Got to catch up on their lives, remark on their (almost adult) children and see their new home.

We left them in time to head back downtown to the Glacier BrewHouse for dinner with some other friends. Food, food and more food, I tell ya. It was fun to talk Women On Wheels® business and dream about summer riding with like minded spirits.

This morning we ate at the hotel again - they have a nice breakfast buffet - this time surrounded by high school basketball players. I'm not sure which schools were represented, but the kids were very well behaved. They were in town for a tournament - regions, I believe.

We checked out and went shopping again - took hubby back to the bike show while I did some on my own. His feet were beginning to hurt from all of the walking we had been doing. So, he visited with some friends at the show - while sitting on his bum - while I had some alone time at JC Penneys. I got myself some new tops for work, and bought each of the grandgirls an Easter dress. After I picked up hubby we went to a different store and found some jeans for the oldest grandson and for hubby, also a winter jacket for grandson.

Then it was time to head out of town, but not before . . . you guessed it . . . lunch. LOL I'm telling you, the weekend was ALL about food! (and shopping). This time we stopped at the B&N bookstore and had soup and sandwich, browsed a bit to find a couple of cds (comedy) for the ride home and a writers magazine for me.

Fueled up - inexpensively at $1.72/gal (it is 2.12/gal here in Kenai) - and hit the highway for home. Good roads again and warmer temps with no wind. We made it home in reasonably good time and the first words out of hubby's mouth after we had everything unloaded from the car and put away . . . what's for dinner? I kid you not! So, I fed him. Good grief.

Hopefully the choices made over this weekend won't set us both back. LOL, but tomorrow is another day. We will be right back into our routine.

It was good to take a break away from computers and work and everything. I think we need to do it more often. We probably shouldn't spend as much money everytime, though. (don't ask) I looked at this weekend as a training for hubby - see, honey, it was OKAY for you to leave the shop a half day early - AND not to work on Saturday and Sunday, too. Really it was. (have to get him used to it so he won't fret so much while we are in Hawaii in May)

I am going to go now and catch up with all of you - I have been away from the computer since Friday (good training for me, too). But, before I go, I want to leave you with a question: (in the form of a photo)


Is this the famous white bus? Spotted in Girdwood Friday afternoon. Nahhhh!

Posted by Purplemoose at March 21, 2004 09:30 PM

Do you think really? that would be cool and ALASKAN average joe. maybe it is Adam and the girl he choise and he hit it off SO WELL that they are here on thier honey moon. now wouldnt that be a story to tell the grandkids. the day you ALMOST saw some one famouse for being dumped. LOL.

I am glad you ahd fun mom. you are right you and dad should do it more often. and while i am saying that. would you remember to do another Walmart trip while youa re there. I will get my list ready for you Weeks in advance for you! Hee hee. thank you for everything mom. Love ya!

Posted by: Ladybug at March 21, 2004 11:03 PM

Crap crap crap.... I forgot about the play date. Pooh. I will call America tomarrow morning to let her know I scheduled the babies pictures for 12. no thinking. so here is what I will do. get them done and race back into the play date.... Kids can handle eating a little late. this is spring brak and all. LOL. see you there K mom. say at about 1230pm. love ya

Posted by: Ladybug at March 21, 2004 11:06 PM

Welcome back! Glad the switch to the new server went well. The last time I switched to a new webhost there were some definite glitches with my weblog, but fortunately it all worked out and they have been great!

I know what you mean about eating when you are on a trip! But it's not like you make a habit of it and it's part of the fun.

I wouldn't know about Average Joe -- I so rarely watch regular network TV except for news!

Have a great week!

Posted by: Heather at March 21, 2004 11:18 PM

Gah! Gas is $2.12/gal there?! Sorry -- I just swallowed my gas card! Yikes -- I thought it was bad here when we hit $1.59 a few weeks back. Of course, I use the lowest octane -- my car is not fancy and demanding of the high dollar stuff. Still -- wow! As much as I drive, that would definitely put a crimp in the budget!

Posted by: Skatemom at March 22, 2004 06:41 AM

whats with the white bus?

Glad you enjoyed your weekend!! I Loved weekends in Anchorage.

Posted by: Mary Lou at March 22, 2004 11:23 AM

Need a bus driver???
Some day I will make it to Anchorage.

Posted by: Phyllis at March 22, 2004 07:07 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau