March 22, 2004

the White Bus?

Mary Lou asked what was with the white bus in yesterday's entry. It was just a bus I spotted at Girdwood when we stopped on the way through to Anchorage. I think it looks like a smaller version of the one used in the Average Joe television shows. So, I took a shot. It is actually a shuttle for the skiers. There was a big skiing event going on at Alyeska over the weekend.

So, I was just being witty/funny/punny, you see?

Heather - I don't watch much tv myself. I like this silly show - even though the first two have upset me because of the chosen ones at the end. So, I try not to miss it. The only other show I care about is ER on Thursdays. The rest of the time, I don't care much for what is on. Or, maybe I should say I just haven't gotten sucked into any other plots. (yet)

Skatemom - the higher price is for the high octane Super Unleaded stuff. Thankfully, my Saturn takes just the low grade stuff. So I am paying 1.83 or so. However, the motorcycles all take the high octane fuel, so when we get them out of storage we are going to have to wince and pay the toll to the troll. I have always gotten a full tank on about $3.50 before. I think it will be closer to $6 or $7 this summer. ;-( But, hey, a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do. ;-)

Phyllis, I didn't see any bus drivers around, so maybe they DO need one. ;-) When you come to Anchorage, don't forget to head to the Kenai Peninsula and visit with the purplemoose. We live in the prettiest part of the state - at least that is what I tell everyone. It's my opinion - my truth - so, there ya go.

We picked up Miss Jessi tonight for her shopping trip. We had thought to wait and take her next week, since we had gotten back from Anchorage in a pretty tired state of minds and bodies. But, shopping needed to be done anyway, so we called her Mama. . . to be told that at about 3p.m. yesterday said little miss looked up at her mom and said "Say, isn't today MY shopping day?" And not a soul had breathed a word about it to her. She figured it out all by herself. Well, then . . . she deserves a trip, huh?

The non-stop chattering began as she walked out of her door and headed down the slippery slope to our car. It did not stop for longer than it takes to draw a breath until we brought her home a couple of hours later. It tickles us to listen to her - it also makes our ears bleed. ;-) But we would not trade this little dickens for the world.

Got to see the Ladybug's kiddos at lunch today - and got my baby fix. Isaiah is growing! He is still teeee-niny, but he is growing. This is a very good thing.

Well, that is about it for me tonight. Hope you all have a lovely Tuesday. I am hoping for more weather like today's - the temps were in the 50's and it felt very nice.

Oh - and if you have sent me email to the purplemoose address and I have not answered it, I apologize. When the servers were switched over I lost all of the email on that account. It is also doing some funky throwing back of emails being sent by the Ladybug, not by me. So, it is too weird. I have no clue, but hope you will post here if I owe you an email, okay? Thanks

Posted by Purplemoose at March 22, 2004 11:34 PM

Tell me more about the email tomarrow mom. I didnt know that! Talk at you latter. MUAH!

Posted by: Ladybug at March 23, 2004 09:29 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau