March 31, 2004

evening, friends. I spent a nice day with Jenn and kidlets. Got the boys off to school and then played with the Princess while mama snoozed off and on. Master Isaiah was a cranky-butt most of the day. I think he was still a bit put out about needing to take a bottle yesterday. She was able to nurse him several times, though, and that made him a bit happier.

Looks like one of the staples may have pulled a bit last night - probably when she was getting into or out of bed. It's hard to know how to move when every movement takes tummy muscles - and they complain because of the "owies".

Our friend from church brought dinner in tonight for the family. I know that Jenn appreciated that gesture. I am thankful for kind friends.

A weird thing happened to my left foot today. I was putzing around the house - talking with Jenn at the time. The bottom of my foot had an itch, so I scratched it with the big toe on my right foot. Then the itch felt more like a hurt. Sort of itchy/hurt - you know? I reached down to feel the area and found a big lump - painful/itchy to the touch.

Jenn said - "that almost looks like a ganglion." Hmm, I said - unsure of an answer.

Anyway, I just was telling hubby about it and showed the bottom of my foot to him - he suggested I might have stepped on a rock or something. Maybe, I don't remember doing so. He said he couldn't see anything, so I pulled my foot around to see and saw something he had missed. There is a bruise about the size of a nickle on that spot! Very weird.

Hubby did a very nice thing for me tonight. T was not home at 5:15 when hubby got home - I wasn't there, so he called to check on me at Jenn's. Offered to start dinner. Awww. I told him that was very nice and to go ahead and eat should T not get there so I could get home.

At 6 we got another call - Hubby talked with Jenn - "tell Mom to get her things on, her dinner is on the counter here. I will come and sit with you until T gets home so that she can come home, eat, and then go to church." Aww very sweet. He got a big hug from me when he got to Jenn's house to relieve me.

Guess that is about it in the lives of the extended PurpleMoose family. Hope your Thursday holds every good blessing for you.

Posted by Purplemoose at March 31, 2004 10:27 PM

I'm glad to hear Ladybug is recovering nicely -- in spite of the staple! Isn't it nice when hubbies do nice things? I've got a pretty fantastic one myself.

Posted by: Heather at March 31, 2004 11:08 PM

Forgive me if it all comes out wrong. LOL Love the drugs. BUT this moosie is the most amazing thing. Thank God for her and all her help. I am the most bledded person in all of the world. MUAH! thank you momma. Oh and that crazy pawpaw too!

Posted by: Ladybug at April 1, 2004 04:06 AM

What a loving thing to do! Glad to hear Jenn is doing okay. The foot bump sounds mighty strange--any plans to go and have it checked?

Posted by: ali at April 1, 2004 02:36 PM

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