April 03, 2004

Isaiah is 7 weeks old

And growing like a little weed. Now, the Ladybug has posted this pic on her site, but you know . . . it is just my favorite of all of the ones taken today. So, I am gonna show it off, too.

Isaiah Fudd - heh - Which way did he go?

We have an attorney friend who would love to see this picture. HIS hat, however, has a red fuzzy ball on top. LOL. Maybe I can add a pom pom to this one.


Yesterday, Kinzie and Timothy were playing on the chairs under the table - here is a close-up of Timothy - but you can see Kinzie behind him. Watch out! Don't sit there, okay?


we used a dollar bill to show you his feet at birth. Check out how much he has grown by comparing the telephone next to him. Erm, who're you gonna call, Isaiah?


Nana? Nana, I love you. ;-) That's my boy!


Never understimate the power of a grandbaby. See the duck? At the Job Fair yesterday the representatives from that particular company were giving these as door prizes. I watched them throughout the day and finally went over and asked if they might have a spare duck. Fellow said not really - they only had a few left as they had been given out all day as door prizes.

Well, I pulled the grandma card - I have a brand new grandson who would just love to have that. Just in case you have any left over at the end of the day. And, don't you know that the big old softy went behind his display and gave me one just for the little guy.

It says it three times, too, btw, with the third time being the trademarked yell. Timothy and Kinzie are having a great time squeezing it to make it quack.

So - there you go - an evening of pictures. Be sure to go by the Ladybug's site to see some of the other pictures taken today.

I hope your Sunday is restful and blessed. Good night, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at April 3, 2004 10:05 PM

dont you LOVE the fat rolls. LOL. I didnt say anything and niether did Nani. But you will notice that there is a diaper differance betweent he first photo and the phone one. that would be becouse after he so NICLEY PEED ALL DOWN THE FRONT OF ME I pu a diaper on him and we got the hat photo. LOL. he soaked me and Nani laughed her hinny off.

Posted by: ladybug at April 4, 2004 12:21 AM

and that is his Job!!!

Too cute!!!

Posted by: Mary Lou at April 4, 2004 12:08 PM

I love the hat!!! That is just too cute! Half the fun of being a Nana is getting to show off the pictures!!

You have to enjoy them when they are tiny like that -- they grow up so fast!

Posted by: Heather at April 5, 2004 09:44 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau