April 03, 2004

Good Grief!

For the second time in as many weeks my antivirus protector has picked up on a tainted email from an Alaskan city office. It picks up infected emails all of the time, mind you, but it just cracks me up that I am getting them from local town governmental bodies.

Don't they teach their people anything?

The first time was from my own town - turned out to be from someone in the fire department. As it was local, I knew the city clerk by name and contacted her to let her know that their IT people should do a scan on the city's computer system - de-louse the house, so to speak.

Today's was from the city manager of Unalaska! Now, while I am on first name basis with many of the city employees in my own town, I know NOBODY in Unalaska. So, I sent them a similar email suggesting that they check their systems.

It is possible that because I received the one from Kenai - that Unalaska may have gotten theirs from Kenai - and bounced it back to me, as I, for some reason, am on the city's list.


It's all about education, folks. Be wary about what emails you open. If you get something from someone you don't know - something you are not expecting - be very careful about opening attachments.

But, I'm preaching to the choir, here, now, right? Right.

In other news . . .
It has been a long week - and it told on me last night. I represented the agency yesterday at a Job Fair and was there from just before 11 until almost 7. That is a long day - by anyone's standards. About 500 people came through the doors - they didn't all stop by my table, but the exposure was there, which is good for our agency.

I spoke with many people about our programs, the one job opening we currently have (Jilly . . . are you SURE you don't want to move to Alaska??? It's in management) and collecting information from other programs to submit to my director. It is always a good networking time at these fairs. (even though it can be extremely tiring)

When I got home I pretty much collapsed into my chair. Hubby asked if I wanted to go into town to help pick out a movie - get dinner fixin's - and all I could do is say I don't think those shoes are going back onto my feet.

He was very understanding - went in to get a movie and pick up a pizza even - came home and set it all up, woke me up (grin) and we shared dinner and a movie. Awww

The Ladybug sounded much better last night when I talked to her on the phone. We did yesterday as a team - I got the boys off to school - D came by to relieve me when I needed to go to work - AND - fixed a killer lasagne for the Bugs' dinner - Lessa came afterward to help with baby and kidlets getting home from school - T was there for the evening.

Today I will get Dezi off to his mother's and then take Kinzie to dance class and Timothy to soccer practice. Jenn will be home with just baby - she has her phone to call for help if needed. Lessa lives close enough and Dad works close enough to get there in reasonable time if needed. (and, of course, 911 aid is only a couple of minutes away)

Tim has Sunday and Monday off work and will be able to get her through the next couple of days. I think that she will be getting to a good point by that time and will probably want a bit more privacy, also. But, I can still call in sick or leave early if need be and she knows that, too. I may take some time off Thursday to get her to the doctor.

A bit warmer this morning - no wind - snow flurries.

And there you have it - an unofficial no-numbers weather report. I have no clue what the temperature might be, but it is a lot warmer than it has been. I think I heard that we are supposed to get rain and snow mixed and temps going up into the 40's this weekend.

Looks like the Easter egg hunt will have to be in the snow this year. That's not a first, either. I have attended many Easter Sunrise Services wearing snow boots and winter gear. LOL.

Have a great weekend, everyone. Don't forget to Spring Ahead tonight before you go to sleep - your computer should do it on its own.

Posted by Purplemoose at April 3, 2004 10:09 AM

Just for grins and chuckles, what management position do you have open? I have just retired from management, but I am only 58 so I have a ways to go before Social Security. I would LOVE to live in ALaska. Let me know....

Posted by: Mary Lou at April 3, 2004 10:50 AM

And I would follow!!
Easter egg hunt in the snow would be easy to find unless they use white eggs!!

Posted by: Phyllis at April 3, 2004 03:25 PM

job description is here

it is the WIC Coordinator position

while it does not say a closing date, I think they are reviewing the resumes on the 7th.

good luck
c'mon up.

Posted by: barbara at April 3, 2004 04:21 PM

I accually bought glow in the dark eggs for this year that I cant find. we were going to waite till it was dark and eat dinner first andd than do the easter egg thing. BUT that was before I found out I was pg and before the surgeryt hing. I thinkt hat we will have to call off this year. i am not all up to doing it. Iguess I could ask for help. but they have all gone out of thier way already. I will have to think about it. You know. D. might want to come over too and she could help me with it. Hmmmmmmm. her hubby wont be here this year for easter. *note to self* must ask. *G*. If we do it.... I dont think that the kids will have 25 eggs each this year. i dont have the patients for that many. LOL. that times8 is TOO MUCH.... LOL

Posted by: Ladybug at April 3, 2004 05:41 PM

I came across your article while job hunting on the internet, I really enjoyed the family tid- bits and would like to know more about your town. Im from Greenville Mississippi and want to relocate to alaska, your town sounds promising, thanks, John

Posted by: john at August 11, 2004 11:17 AM

I came across your article while job hunting on the internet, I really enjoyed the family tid- bits and would like to know more about your town. Im from Greenville Mississippi and want to relocate to alaska, your town sounds promising, thanks, John

Posted by: john at August 11, 2004 11:18 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau