April 17, 2004

Busy Saturday

After breakfast with my hubby, he went off to work and I went off to play. Met the Ladybug at the Boys and Girls Club where Timothy's soccer team was having photo day. Visited with them for a bit and then took Mickinzie to her Music and Movement class.

Let's dance with scarves

and now, ribbons

at the end of the class we make a train

and "choo-choo" out the door

Kinzie really has a great time. Her mama hopes to keep her in some sort of dance class after this is over. It gives her something to do that is all hers - and helps with socialization skills as well as her balance and other such things.

The teacher today had her hands full. Several of the little girls were acting out - and once you get one going, then others join in. Pretty soon they were all sort of doing their own thing. I admire her patience, I will say that.

Meanwhile Timothy was playing soccer. They had just finished their game when I arrived back with Kinzie. So I got to kiss them all goodbye and they went off homeward.

I went to the Home Show to wander around for a bit - have to get the complimentary yardstick, you know. ;-)) Signed up for door prizes and visited all of the special booths to have a piece of paper stamped - deposited that paper for a chance at $500. That would be cool for a couple of hours "work". Visited with some folks I know as I wandered around.

Back home to work on checking accounts - balanced the home account and then went to the shop to balance hubby's work account. He didn't do too badly this time. Heh

Home to fix dinner - take a short snooze in my chair - walk on the treadmill for 90 minutes - then back here to download today's pics and write here.

ta-dah! Saturday is nearly over. It is time to head for slumberland, my friends. I hope you have a pleasant Sunday. Take care

Posted by Purplemoose at April 17, 2004 10:18 PM

Isnt it funny? what you might ask. How Tennini my daughter is. LOL. And she is even older than a few of themt here. which makes it all the funnier. thank you for helping out momma. you allways make the day go better. Smiles and buch love to you. and the pictures are GREAT *wink* love that camera!

Posted by: Ladybug at April 18, 2004 07:59 AM

Oh is that too cute or what? I love the pics!

I also love home shows! It's so much fun to wander around and get ideas and dream. Unfortunately, for me it's mostly dream, but it's still fun! I found the best set of knives I've ever owned at a home show the summer after hubby and I got married. Do you get ideas that you use from the home shows?

Posted by: Heather at April 18, 2004 08:33 AM

Heather - it's all dreaming for me, too, sadly. But I love to look at the cabinets and the carpeting, both of which I need badly. Well, the carpet is worse than the cabinets. Someday. ;-)

hubby likes the knives dudes, too. He generally can find something that piques his interest.

Posted by: barbara at April 18, 2004 08:43 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau