April 19, 2004

a welcome phone call

A friend called me today - she wanted to make sure I had heard the latest on the young man's death. She asked me if I had noticed the tall gray-haired man standing next to the widow during Sunday services. I told her that I had.

It seems he is was an email buddy of J - they had been talking back and forth about their spiritual beliefs and such things. When the gentleman heard that J had died, he flew to Alaska from the midwest. Once here he received permission to spend time going over the body and the crime scene - doing his own investigation.

His conclusion? While J died at his own hand - it was an accident. I won't go into all of the details, but what a blessing for the widow to hear. It has been on the tv news and in the papers that this was a suicide - so sad for the family. How they must feel tonight knowing that a well-respected M.E. had determined otherwise.

I pray that the books on this can now be closed so the healing for the family can begin. It sets my own heart to rest as well. The one thing all of us said through this was that suicide just didn't make sense, didn't ring true. Nothing in what we knew about him made it even plausible. Even my coworker who saw him Friday in court could not accept it.

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An email tonight from cooties saying that the original Pepys Project has gone defunct. In its place, however, is the new and improved Pepys Project. If you are not linked up through this site, go on over and take a look-see. I have the dubious distinction of being the first Alaskan blog to sign up - well, at least there were no others listed when I submitted my url. ;-)
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Just before my friend's phone call today - I received a visit from two very excited little chatterboxes. Jessi and Timothy had their kindergarten visit today. They stopped by my office to tell me ALL about it. If you have never had two overly excited five year olds chattering in a small space . . . well, you just haven't lived. You can borrow mine sometime if you like. But you have to give them back.

Lessa has photos posted if you'd like to share via your armchair.

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A coworker walked with me at lunchtime today. She hasn't walked in awhile so we weren't too sure how far we would go. Turns out we both felt so good that we walked for a mile before turning back - yes, TWO miles total. In only 40 minutes! Yes, we were both stoked. High five at the turn and when we got back.

Tonight when I changed back into my tennies to do an hour on the treadmill I noticed that I had worn a blister on my left heel. I think I need new shoes. ;-( Sure hate to put out the money, but it is worth it in the long run to have good fitting shoes with no blisters.

Today marks the 30% of the way there mark for the Going Nowhere challenge. We are 30% of the way through the new year. (ouch!) Ideally we should each be 30% of the way toward our goal. Ideally.

I am over my goal to date on steps - but a wee bit under on the mileage. I should be at 210 miles and 300,000 steps. I'm really close on the mileage. Just over 11 miles to go.

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Well, guess that about wraps it up for a Monday. Hope you all had a great day and I wish you a wonderful Tuesday as well.

'night, friends

Posted by Purplemoose at April 19, 2004 10:15 PM

I was unable to post on the writing from early mothers day. so I am doing it here. I love you mom. and we are blessed to have you too. I know that writing is your outlet. Dont let anything stop you from doing it. what ever is bothering you or the people aroung you will work out. you yourself told me not to worrie about it. Not sure who you hurt or how. I am guessing it was by the writin word as you say. But you know mom.... it is a take it or leave it world. you know that. be you ..... that is a writer and you know it. SO WRITE!

Posted by: Ladybug at April 22, 2004 01:57 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau