April 22, 2004

Early Mother's Day

Good morning, group. My daughters and grandchildren are a blessing to me.

Tuesday night, they all trooped in excited and chattering and full of fun. Seems they had gotten together and had a hey-day with scrapbooking materials and photos. They and their scrapbooking consultant made a beautiful album for me - with pictures of ALL of the grands, and a few of me with the grands even.

The Moose is a sloppy mess at times - gotta love mid-life hormones. The tears rolled down my cheeks as my heart swelled with appreciation and love and thankfulness.

Thank you all for my special book.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I may be absent a bit from time to time in this space. Please don't mind - just carry on without me, okay? Things are a bit rocky in the Moose's mind and need to be cleared of cobwebs and such.

I have read many online journals over the years and one thing that I have noted more often than should be is that many bloggers/journalers quit writing because someone took offense, was hurt by, or other "not so nice things", the writing style or content of those bloggers/journalers.

It seems to have happened to me now - my outlet is in my writing - I write short stories, memoirs, and a lot of poetry. Some of what I write is good - some not so good. All of it is from my heart and my mind at the time and point of a particular day/hour/minute. Once it is written, I can often let go of it and move on with my life.

But sometimes people who aren't meant to see or hear things do - and they get "hurt" or saddened. Long after my emotions are spent on something - I hear about it and that makes me sad, hurt, and sometimes angry.

If you have old links to poems you might as well delete those links - because the poetry is gone. I still have it, but I won't be sharing it any longer. I cannot risk others getting hurt, sad or angy. I can't risk my heart being broken any further.

And, that is probably much too much to have said. I will be fine - things change - life goes on in one form or another. I'm not sure how much offline writing I will be doing any more - I'm not really sure how much online writing I will be doing from now on. But I will be here - I will be around - I will be stopping by to check on you all.


Posted by Purplemoose at April 22, 2004 07:19 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau