June 16, 2004


Nope - not going in the direction you might think at all . . .

Most of us have the freedom in our jobs to just get up and go to the restroom at will. Most of us have the freedom to take our lunch hour as needed, generally at the same time everyday.

Most of us.

It's a bit different for a friend of mine - and I am watching her become more demoralized day by day. And, I have little that I can do about it.

I cover lunches for her once a week - and it is supposed to be a scheduled thing for the rest to do the same. Somehow it never seems to happen correctly. How sad is that?

Sad enough that we are going to probably lose this person. And, nobody seems to see it coming. How surprised they will act when it happens. How sad they will all be when it does. bah!

Sorry - I'll come back later today when I am in a bit better mood than now. In the meantime, won't you all look around and see who you might relieve for a bit? See whose life you might be able to make just a wee bit better - with a smile, a nod, a pat on the back, or . . . simply a restroom break.


Posted by Purplemoose at June 16, 2004 10:10 AM

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