June 16, 2004

old "pals"

Old pals come and old pals go - and sometimes that is the best for everyone concerned.

A few years ago there was some trouble in purplemoose land - caused by a certain old pal - who seems to have found me once again. She left a very nice note and a link to her journal - which I followed. After all, who wouldn't check to see just who the old pal might be - since that was the only signature.

I visited yesterday.

I visited again today - but will not do so again - because, despite her allegations that people change, it would seem that she has not.

I don't need it - didn't need it then, don't need it now. It is quite fortunate that we are several thousand miles apart in meat space and that the 'net is such a large and lovely world also. We can both survive in our own little part of those worlds quite happily. And, that, OLD PAL, is just the way that it should remain.

I don't intend to play games with you - and would appreciate it if you keep your mind games to yourself - down there in australia. May you have a happy and loverly life.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 16, 2004 07:16 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau