June 20, 2004

What a Difference . . .

five months can make.

January 14, 2004 I took a chilly ride delivering posters and such for work. I wrote about it that day and posted this photo: (click for larger view)


All together now . . . BRRRRRRRRRRRR - too right.

Well, five months (and five days) later I took another road trip - this time to Anchorage to visit my "Sister-Friend". I had to - just had to - stop in the same place to take another shot. This is what I saw:


All together now . . . pass me the fan, willya?

Yup, that's We Alaskans all right - never quite satisfied with the temperatures. LOL

Another phenomenon this time of year is Combat Fishing. The evidence is everywhere you look in Cooper Landing:

a little further down the road we see:
and still a bit further:

What in the world could they be doing? Look on, friends:
Here's the Reason - it is the Season - for
Combat - shoulder to shoulder - hip boot to hip boot - Fishing!
Here's a closeup of the lineup:

Ohmyohmyohmyohmy! People flock southwards from Anchorage and northwards from Kenai, Soldotna and Homer just to stand in the Kenai River, wet their lines and (hopefully) get their three fish. Some begin fishing around 10 at night - fish until midnight, hopefully bagging their limit of three - and then starting again at midnight in order to get the next day's limit of three. That way they can head back toward home at a "decent" hour.

Combat fishing is not my sport. Enjoy yourselves. ;-)

Posted by Purplemoose at June 20, 2004 05:20 PM

Heh. Heh. Heh. That'd be why my LIPS are sunburned. (as well as my arms and neck and face. WITH sunscreen, thank you very much. *wanders back off to whimper in peace*)

Posted by: Lessa at June 20, 2004 06:39 PM

You gotta be kidding, 3 fish?!

I guess you know we have to highlight to read comments.

Posted by: Bonnie at June 21, 2004 03:55 PM

not always, Bonnie - it happens every once in awhile that you have to highlight - I notice it generally after I have emptied my caches. Usually the comments show up right away. ;-)


Posted by: barbara at June 21, 2004 04:21 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau