June 21, 2004

That felt good

It has been a bit over four weeks, and it sure felt like it. But I decided today was the day - I was gonna get back out there for a walk.

So, after standing in for the receptionist's lunch I changed clothes and set out for an easy stroll. Didn't want to overdo, but wanted to DO, you know? Think it was a bit under a mile - only out for about half an hour, but that was long enough. My feet and ankles felt fine, although there was a bit of swelling, but my hips cried out for mercy!

The nicest thing about walking as a form of exercise, though, is that it is so easy to get back into it.

Tonight we went to the little league fields to watch the two littles play tee-ball. They play their hearts out - when they're not picking dandies from the field. I really love to watch that age play ball. It's fun, too, to see and hear the parents and grandparents who take it all just a titch too seriously. They eventually calm down and join in with their little ones' glee - just being out in the sunshine and fresh air is special to them.

After that game we stuck around to see Tat's brother's game - at least the first two innings. By then hubby was drooping - he needed to get something to eat and get it pretty quickly. We left and went to his fave restaurant where he could nibble on some chips and salsa while waiting for food to arrive. By the time he had worked his way through the first basket and was starting on his chimi he was perking back up. Poor guy - he took his meds before we went to the field, and he didn't eat anything - only snacked on some pretzels. It took its toll on him. Will have to try to make sure he doesn't do that again.

And, as the sun sinks sloooooowwwlllyyyy into the horizon, I will bid you all goodnight. Today is the first day of summer - I think last night was the longest day (solstice), or maybe that is today. Whatever - whichever - it is still pretty bright out there. And it is nearly 10:30 p.m.

Before I close - remember that I said I was missing the juices I enjoyed while in Hawaii? Well, I spotted Hawaii's Own juices in the freezer case last week. Yay! While it's not the same as being there, it brings a bit of Hawaii into our home. And, that is a welcome thing.

Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday. 'Night, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 21, 2004 10:34 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau