June 29, 2004



I took this shot over my shoulder while I was driving to Anchorage last Thursday. Didn't quite get the effect I wanted, but it is still pretty cool. The lower clouds were all rolled up and over themselves. Looked very neat. But I would have had to stop the car to get that shot - and, well, I was on a time crunch. Thought Miz B might enjoy the pic, though, as she loves cloud pics.

It warmed up a bit today, which was welcome after it being so chilly yesterday and the day before. It was nice to have to open my office window for a bit (in between smokers) to get a breeze. The designated smoking area is right outside my office window, so I have to crank it shut everytime someone goes out there. It's a small price, though.

Took a nice walk during lunch yesterday - went one street over from work and down over the bluff and onto the beach, then back up the hill on our street. It was about 1 1/2 miles all told, but a really good workout - sand is great for the legs. Not so great for the toes - not sure HOW it worked itself down into and through the shoes and then the socks to wedge in between my toes. ;-)

Today I decided not to do a back to back beach walk - the ankles did pretty well, but there is no sense in overdoing it just yet. So, I walked out to the highway and on the bike path for a two mile walk. That was a good workout - the sun came out and it was nice and warm. Definitely a short-sleeved shirt walk.

Physical Therapy session was shorter today, but more intense. I am only going one more time and then I will be cut loose - yay. However, I'm supposed to go back for a tune-up if I tweak the ankles or turn them in any way.

They have a good group of therapists there. Very caring and still good at putting you through your paces. They laugh because I use my arms to counterbalance. Today they wondered what would happen if they tied my arms to my sides - I told them I would probably just fall right over. Hubby is always asking what would happen if he tied my hands down when I am talking - says I would probably stutter. ;-) It's fun to laugh with them. No sense in making the tough workout that much tougher by being a sad gussie over it all. Laugh a little.

Little League closing ceremonies were last night. All of the players received trophies and there was a bar-b-cue for them afterwards. The Boy's team was escorted to the ceremonies in Black Beauty - a gorgeous limousine.

Click to enlarge.


Yes, they all fit inside. The coach was offered a ride, but one check of the sound level inside the back and he declined. Smart man. The limo driver was wonderful. He gave them nearly an hour long ride through the town - how very cool is that?

Hope you are having a great week. Enjoy your Wednesday, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 29, 2004 09:09 PM

The job of sand is to get into every available crevice, no matter how small or impossible. ;-)

Posted by: Linda at July 4, 2004 02:42 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau