November 01, 2004


As in Election Day minus 1, of course. Finally (!!!) tomorrow the day has come. No more advertising - no more pollster phone calls - no more recorded phone advertisements - no more door to door campaigning - no more shake my hand, while grinning compulsively around half truths at chamber of commerce luncheons (or Saturday morning breakfasts) - no more - no mas - nada . . .

and all God's people shouted AMEN!

After tomorrow, that is.

Bring on the shoutin' I say.

And, shoutin' there will be - by the winners, by the losers, by the pundits, by the lawyers, by you and me.

The only political thing I will say here is this . . .

Please, go vote.

. . . there now, that wasn't so bad, was it? I won't ask you for whom your bell tolled - nor will I expect you to ask that of me. I will simply repeat . . .

Please, go vote.

because, my friends, if you do NOT . . . well, then you have no complaints come Wednesday, now, do you? No complaints whatsoever. S/he who does not cast the first vote . . .

and all that.

take care, friends.

Let the healing begin.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 1, 2004 10:35 PM

Our city council elections are rolling around in May. Or is it March? Too soon anyway!

Posted by: Bonnie at November 2, 2004 05:40 PM


Posted by: mary lou at November 3, 2004 09:23 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau