November 05, 2004

hey there . . .

My entries have been a bit helter-skelter, hither and yon lately. It’s a reflection of my mind, that hither and yon. Nothing major going on – just a conscious effort, I guess, of making myself available to hubby and family when needed. There is only so much time in the day. Right? Right.

Have been feeling sort of puny this week. Unable to figure out exactly what the problem is – left work early two days. I did make it through the day yesterday, but had promised to fill in at the desk for the receptionist while she went on her kids’ field trip, so felt that I should make the effort.

Nicely, it was a bit of a slow day. I was able to sit at the desk, answer a few phone calls, let a few people in the door, read the papers (part of the receptionist duties – honest) and pretty much veg out while getting paid to do so.

The Executive Director did have me working on a couple of projects that she needed, but they didn’t take a whole lot of time. (I’m blessed to be a quick typist) I even did the word search in the Anchorage paper. I like to challenge myself to find the words without looking at the list first. Once you get the hang of what the topic is, that is relatively easy.

Today I have been taking advantage of my day off. Slept in – clear until 7 a.m. and felt slightly guilty for having done so. Read the paper while the grandkiddos came down and had breakfast with Grandpa – I so enjoy listening to their banter . . . even when the pre-teen boy is Mr. Grumpypants and the girls snipe at each other. It is delicious to have their delightful little selves around us each school day.

In between chapters of a book (Thorn Birds) I have been putzing around the house all morning. Stripped and changed the bed, washed up the blankets, did up dishes, including a set of cups and saucers I am going to donate to a local shelter, and washed several loads of laundry besides the blankets. Not too bad for someone putzing around, huh? And, it is not even 1:30 yet. Woot!

Visited Mrs. Sullivan’s page today to see if there were more wedding photos. Her comments led me to believe I might find some at the mister’s page, but instead I see that Jon has gone black and is in mourning over the election results. I disagree that his world has ended – as he has been gifted with the lovely Batty as his bride. I’m trusting that he will come out of his funk soon and share the promised photos.

I visited the “virtual Canadian” page that Mz. Kitty mentions on her blog. That is another sad commentary on the after-election stuff going on in our country. And, you know . . . those of you who might be inclined to sign up on such a page . . . well, I dunno. I would just be careful, you know? Who is to say that such a list might not go to well, I don’t know where . . . but I would just be very leery of signing up on something like that. Especially, as I read through the page I note that emails and such WILL be posted on the page at a future date. Erg!! Spam delight.

I have successfully for the most part stayed out of the pre-election and post-election stuff. You see, I like so many of you all out there. I read your pages despite your(s or my) religious leanings, political leanings, sexual choices, yours or my morals. I read those whom I read because at one time or another something they have said has resonated within my own being.

Admittedly, there are a couple whose pages I did not read very often at the height of the election processes. I was getting enough hype via TV and radio ads, newspaper ads, telephone pollsters and pundits . . . well, enough was enough. I am finding myself popping into some of those blogs again . . . but I quickly go back away if there is too much political stuff still.

I think Memento Moron said it best . . .

In other news . . .

IT SNOWED here! Well, big surprise, huh? I live in Alaska after all. Sure wish someone would remind the idiotic drivers out there that THEY live in Alaska, too. Good grief! People driving without snow treads – or studded tires – driving at the same speeds they use on dry pavement. It’s a recipe for disaster. I was held up for about an hour Wednesday in traffic due to an accident. We only have a two-lane highway. Speeds crawled along at 20 mph after we got past the accident, and I was happy to be going no faster than that.

WE HAD BLACKOUTS! On election night. We were watching the US map turn from white to blue and red and the lights went out. So, we got out the toys. A few years ago I bought the hubby a self-propelled (wind-up) radio and lantern. He brought them out of the closet and we had light and music. Only the music lasted longer than the light, so we got out the candles and the oil lamps. I finished a book (Tim LaHaye’s Babylon Rising) by flashlight.

Then the lights came back on and we got to see a few more states colored in on the map. That outage had lasted about an hour. The lights stayed on just about an hour . . .

Then the lights went out again! This time I did up the dishes by lantern light. After all, if our foremothers could do it, so could I . . . as long as the hot water tank held out, right? In addition, I sat down and wrote a short piece on said foremothers and their lack of cushy appliances. (have sent that piece off to Alaska Women Speak magazine – their coming issue has the theme of light in Alaska’s dark times – pretty good timing, huh?)

The lights were still out a couple of hours later when I went on to bed. Figured that we would know when they came back on – and we did – because the light on the headboard is a touch light (it comes on after every power outage) and the tv was left on. So, along about midnight I was awakened by the light – and the tv – and went about getting the clocks readjusted (didn’t want to be late to work) and watched a bit more tv to see who had won the US senate seat for Alaska – the race that had been so ugly lately.

So, lots of excitement (of sorts) for election night hereabouts.

And, with that I will leave you good people – have a great weekend. See you soon.

Posted by Purplemoose at November 5, 2004 01:57 PM

I know you're posting is sporadic, but I still pop in every day, hoping for a little fresh news from up there! So glad to see you're doing well and not posting because you're busy with just real life in general and not because of some awful trauma. Feel better soon!

Posted by: Skatemom at November 5, 2004 02:50 PM

It was a conspiracy putting the electricity off!!

I love it when the lights go out, makes me feel like I am camping.

Posted by: mary lou at November 6, 2004 10:32 AM

I hear the skipping of some reading with constant talk of politics. :-)

Over on MizBee I have a Kitchen's Past page, but no mention of lamp light. My mom wasn't old enough to remember that I think.

Posted by: bonnie at November 7, 2004 04:17 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau