January 12, 2005

mememememe ;-)

So I was off visiting Brian earlier today and saw a meme that I would just have to try - (I don't usually post the results of such, even though I do them from time to time.)

At any rate - here is a way to tell your readers a bit about yourself in a fun sort of way. Go to mapquest and enter two addresses - your current address and the one from your growing-up home. Then post how many hours it would take to drive from one to the other.

Yup, that is just waaaaaaaaayyyy too much fun for me.

You see, I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and now live in Kenai, Alaska. Any guesses on how many miles that is? Let alone how many hours it would take to drive straight through?

Nope, I no clue either. You see, family and I moved here by jet plane - yessiree we did. Caught a commuter out of Columbus then a 747 out of Chicago and a puddle jumper out of Anchorage. As it was the first time any of us had ever flown - and I was doing it on my own with two little girls as hubby had come up the week before - that puddle jumper about scared the tar out of us.

But, I had to be the big brave mama that I am and reassure my little darlings. Even though a fellow stood next to me, sized me up as a cheechako (hmmm wonder how - heh) and began to tell me about the square wheels on the plane and the "slogan" of the airlines AAI, the only way to die. (don't worry I won't get sued - they went out of business a looooooonnnnngggg time ago.) Nope I had to be the strong mama and tell the girls he was only fooling when inside I was POSITIVE he was telling the truth.

An aside here: said airline several years later "accidentally" landed on a frozen lake several miles outside of the Kenai Airport. Swore they were on the runway and wondered what had happened to the hangar. No, friends, there was no fog and it was an otherwise clear night! The topper came when they tried to charge the passengers for the snow machine ride from the plane to the airport. Oh, yes, that went over big. ;-)

I have long wanted to take the AlCan Highway - either on the motorcycle or, barring that, in the car. Just have never had enough time to do it.

My brother in law drove it in a few days - and that was back when the road was mostly gravel! Now it is paved the whole way except wherever they are utilizing the third season of Alaska (We have winter, break-up, and construction seasons).

I have biker friends who have ridden out on that highway nearly every summer since we met to go touring around the country. She is the president of Women On Wheels® now and rides down for the annual rally. She's another Barbara, btw, so that shows she has tenacity. (heh)

Okay - I've rambled on long enough . . . you have probably forgotten by now the premise of this whole entry . . . just how far and how long to drive from my childhood home to my present home:

4182.67 miles

94 hours, 53 minutes.

Can you top it?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Over there on the left of your screen you will notice a new button. I hope you will click on it and see where it leads. A dear sister in Christ led me to The Lord's Table and I have been feasting there now for a week. Wow! It has been a blessing.

'night, friends. Have a wonderful Thursday. I will, Lord willing, be up bright and early to drive over to the church gym to walk for about 45 minutes before work.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 12, 2005 11:11 PM

I live a block and a half from where I grew up. Not very far.

Posted by: Lisa at January 13, 2005 07:00 AM

Oh Pooh, No you beat me I was born in SAn DIego and live in WAshington. 1316.5 miles takes about 22 hours to drive non stop.

Posted by: mary lou at January 13, 2005 11:04 AM

I can beat that one so well that I cannot even enter the place where I grew up into MapQuest :) It's 14+ hours by plane (Not including waiting time). God only knows how long it'd take to drive if it was possible to do so at all *g*

Posted by: Sara at January 13, 2005 08:45 PM

I couldnt beat ya. I thought MAYBE... that the fact that we lived a block away from each other might help. BUT it said grew up in.... not born in.... Oh well. so I am only .5 miles away. *G*

Posted by: Ladybug at January 13, 2005 09:00 PM

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