January 14, 2005

Good Friday Morning!

Here's a wispy shot of Mt. Redoubt from the bluff in town.

Today I am the guest writer at The Purple Porch. Have you ever seen a PurpleMoose on a Purple Porch? Well, go on over and take a peek. Scary.

Thanks, CNL, for inviting me to play while you rest.

Hubby and I and two of his associates are driving to Anchorage this afternoon . . . after my dental appointment. Ack! It's cleaning day. We will overnight at Alaska Natural Wonders B&B which is owned by the sister of another associate. Tomorrow they all have a big meeting to attend, while I get to wander through wally-world and pick up diapers for Zay-Zay. I am a blessed woman - that is a lot of fun for me to do.

We will be driving home tomorrow evening, so keep us in your thoughts as we drive through the mountain pass.

My goodness, but the weather around our country - indeed, the world - is interesting right now. California has had rain and mudslides. Lots of snow back east. And, just heard this morning that the Ohio River is rising. That, in itself is not so unusual, but just heard that the Olentangy River is also getting near flood stage. I grew up near that river. People in trailer parks are packing up and evacuating.

You all be careful out there, okay?

I'll probably not get to post again until Sunday. Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at January 14, 2005 10:10 AM

Heh. checked out their website and the company in palmer they had do their 'design' - they got ROBBED by that palmer company. Bloody hell. You should slip them my business card... *wiggles brows*

Posted by: Lessa at January 14, 2005 07:23 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau