February 01, 2005

Hello, Tuesday

Home a bit early today - needed to adjust my time today to work an extra hour tomorrow - we are doing a HUGE clean up at work - things are going to be tossed - things are going to be washed - things are going to be changed! Whew! I'm tired already. ;-)

Today is a chilly, crisp day - with lots of sun, but not much warmth in it. February is often a cold month here.

It is also a month of many birthdays in the Purplemoose clan. Today would have been hubby's oldest sister's birthday. She passed away last year. DJ always called to wish her baby brother a happy day - generally on her own birthday so she could get the same back. ;-)

Hubby's is the 3rd. (As is Miz Kitty's hubby's) He will finally cross that line so that he can no longer call me the "older woman". That's his favorite joke for one whole week every year.

Zay-Zay's first birthday will be Valentine's Day. So hard to believe the little guy is a year old! He has a double ear infection right now, but hopefully he will be all better soon.

The 16th was my grandmother's birthday. She was some kinda woman, that one. The poetry in our family line started with her - she passed it to my mother, then to me, then to Lessa, and now to Mairi.

But, Grandma NEVER forgave me for having Lessa a day after her birthday. Sigh. Lessa's special day (her 35th special day) is the 17th.

But, Grandma had a victory of sorts, even though it was several years after she passed away. You see, Ladybug gave birth to Kinzie a day after Lessa's birthday. Yup, Kinzie will be 4 on the 18th.

To round out our month of birthdays, Ladybug will have her day (her 30th special day) on February 26th. The doctor wanted to induce me on Lessa's birthday, but I told him I wanted the girls to have their own days. So, he reluctantly waited another 9 days, which still made her a few days early. (Lessa was born ON her due date).

Come March we will be still celebrating family birthdays - oldest grandson, son-in-law, and my sister. And then we are done with birthdays until May. My Mom's was April 11th, but she has been gone since I was 23. Lessa's anniversary is the 10th of April and ours is May 10th. Jessi's birthday is May 18th. (aren't you all glad YOU don't have to remember all of these?)

None in June or July. Mairi's is August 4th. None in September or October. In November we have TAT's, Dezi's and my niece's.

Cake anyone?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Check out Heather's thoughts on the Iraqi election. Good read.

An Iraqi speaks out on the election

Posted by Purplemoose at February 1, 2005 04:59 PM

"cake anyone?"

Geesh, I'd reckon! I'll be right up to have some. heh.

Posted by: Lisa at February 2, 2005 07:29 AM

Whoa, you are gonna be a baking fool arent you!!!

Posted by: mary lou at February 2, 2005 12:35 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau