February 02, 2005

Wednesday Weigh-in

yup - we're doing the happy ladybug dancing tonight. 2 1/2 pounds this week!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I am bushed tonight! Worked up quite a sweat today - we all did. The director took us back at 10:30 and we did a walk through of all of the problem areas and then divided into teams. We broke at noonish to have lunch - she bought pizzas and pop - and then got back to it.

I made a lot of trips up and down our stairs and stored more toilet paper than I really want to see for awhile. Cleaned out cupboards, bathroom, kitchen storage area. Loaded up our huge dumpster and then had to have someone come and haul away two more truckloads.

No, not just from the area I was cleaning. The downstairs kitchen had to be thoroughly cleaned, the pantry, two office areas, another bathroom, the children's play room. The difference when we were done? Night and day my friends, night and day!

It was my turn to watch the desk when the receptionist left at 4:24 so I had brought a clean shirt with me to change into. Did a quick wash-up and brushed my hair and then collapsed at the desk. Sat and watched as the dump loads were removed. Couldn't move myself. ;-)

I am so gonna sleep tonight!

So, I'll see you all later. Have a wonderful Thursday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at February 2, 2005 10:16 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau