March 05, 2005

I did, I did, I did . . .

well, no I didn't, but there are several who have done it and several more who are planning to do it . . .

The Iditarod Trail.

Tomorrow is the day - the racers have pulled their numbers, and they have gotten the last "good" meal they are going to get for awhile - except for the first one to the half way point - that person is generally wined and dined (and presented with filthy lucre).

By now the dogs are bedded down and so are the mushers. Tomorrow is a big day for them all.

Want to follow along the trail? Here's the official Iditarod Race site.

And, in case you are wondering, I did the Iditarod Trail is a song written and sung by the one and only Hobo Jim. Jim is a classic act - please note, I did not say a class act. ;-) But he is some kinda fun.

And, here's a bit of fun for you - want to know what the weather is like in some parts of Alaska - there are now "weather cams" set up in several strategic locations around the state. Check them out.

Sort of has a Big Brotherish feel to it - at least to me. I just drove some of those roads last week - and had no clue the cameras are there. Found out through the news jockeys a few days ago. Now when I drive through those areas, I think I will probably be looking for the cameras.

Yes, the reason they are (purported to be) there is so that travelers can check to see how the roads are faring in whatever current weather pattern present. Of course that is so . . . nevertheles . . .


Okay, friends. Time for me to say good night.

Posted by Purplemoose at March 5, 2005 12:02 AM

I think those sled dogs are pretty darn amazing AND beautiful! Also, I checked out a couple of those weather cams and just as I thought...snow and lots of it lol!

Posted by: deb at March 5, 2005 04:20 PM

This doesn't happen to be "biker gramma", does it? I couldn't find a true about page...

Posted by: Lester at March 5, 2005 08:12 PM

Hi, Deb! - yup, LOTS of snow. ;-) Hopefully gone soon - nice warmish temps and sun will help. We had a reported high of 40 today, but the sign in town said 45 - so I'll take that! ;-)

hullo, Lester - and yes, I am -

about face!

Posted by: barbara at March 5, 2005 09:22 PM

Wow, that's cool! I was looking through Alaskan blogs and I happen upon someone I know! Good luck with everything, and hopefully I'll see you at the next writer's group meeting.

Posted by: Lester at March 6, 2005 03:57 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau