March 06, 2005

Want to follow along the trail?
Here's the official Iditarod Race site.

The race is officially on - the mushers left the official start in Willow today and are on the trail. You can find all the up to date standings by going to the above link.

And, for those of you who have youngsters . . . read the story of Balto, one of the brave dogs who raced across Alaska to Nome to deliver serum to stop the diphtheria outbreak in the winter of 1925. You can either read the story online or print a copy of it. (You can also get it at bookstores or libraries, I'm sure.)


Yesterday I was privileged to take part in an award presentation for one of my younger volunteers. Each year the Violet Richardson Award is given by the Soroptimist Organization. It is given at a local level and then the young ladies go on to compete at a national level.

When I saw the announcement in the paper I called this one volunteer and suggested that she try for the award. She would have to write an essay and turn it in to the group and then it would be judged. W worked very hard on her essay - I cried when she called me and read it to me before submitting. She has grown so much since she has become a volunteer.

Then, when we found she had won the award - well, her Mama and I were ever so tickled. Saturday at a Young Women's Conference the Soroptimists were holding, W received her award - a plaque, a rose, and a check for $200 check to be used however she wished. In addition she could designate any orgainization in the area to receive a duplicate amount. She was so sweet and asked that it be given to my agency.

But even more important was the recognition she received. Some of the girls in the audience knew her, but had no idea why she was there or that she was to receive the award - she is shy and modest, also. They were great supporters for her, however, when she received the award. One of my coworkers and I were there to represent the agency (and receive the check). But I would have been there even if not directed to be (nor paid to be) by my boss. It was important to me that W know how proud I was of her.

I took pictures of her and she will be in our next newsletter - I also will send the picture to the newspaper and hope they will print it, too.

So, my weekend was sort of chopped up. I usually have Friday - Sunday off. It will be chopped up next week, too, as I have to work all day next Saturday at the local health fair representing my program - there will be several others from the agency there as well.

I will work M-W, have Thursday and Friday off, work Saturday, and then have Sunday off. The following week I have a weird schedule, also, working M-W and then half day Thursday, but I will not have to work again until the following Monday. Hubby has to go to Anchorage both Fridays to take his securities exams. We'll drive up on the Thursdays and back on Fridays.

And, just to add to all of THAT excitement, is even bigger stuff family-wise. Yes, another birthday. This time . . . my oldest grandson - my first born grandchild - Sean will be 13 (!!!!) on Thursday. We will see him before we go to Anchorage and he will be well loved upon both then and on our return. He gets to have the BIG birthday bash at the roller rink on Saturday, and have his friends come, too.

Very exciting stuff.

So - you all have a grand week. I'll pop in from time to time as I can and give you updates.


Posted by Purplemoose at March 6, 2005 10:44 PM

SOunds like you are looking forward to a really busy week huh? Me too, SO I too will be popping in and out at odd times.

Posted by: mary lou at March 7, 2005 12:59 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau