March 22, 2005

Is that all there is?

Me and my big mouth! Going on and on in my last entry about spring, etc. No wonder the internet ate my entry!

Three nights and two days of howling 90 mph wind gusts later and we had snow today. SNOW!!!! Ack! Okay, it wasn't much, but it is supposed to snow another 3-4 inches overnight. Yuk! I am soooooo ready for spring time.

Yeah, yeah, I know - it'll come, then summer will come, then it'll snow again and I'll be all in love with the winter wonderland in which I live. I hear ya.

The snow today was weird - teeny pellets. Fell like hail, but tiny things. And, deadly too. It sat on top of the icy parking lot at work and grabbed me when I left this afternoon. BOOM! down went the purplemoose! One minute UP and the next minute down! Ever so gracefully (NOT!) I picked myself back up and went back inside to fill out an incident report. (required action) Sigh! The humiliation of it all.

One nice thing - I already had set an appointment with my chiropractor and her hubby the masseuse for tomorrow morning. Ahhhhhhhhh. Sweet relief.

Day 16 of the TLT II fast. You can read about it over at Coming to Size. But I wanted to mention here something that a friend shared with me - Pacific Foods Mushroom Broth. yuuuuummm! It's good all by itself. Try it with v-8 juice and a splash of Frank's hot sauce. That's some tasty sipping! LOTS of garlic!!! I warm it up on the stove and then sip away. Helps with the cold shivers I get, too.

Cold - that is something that I have been feeling a lot over the past 16 days. I'm assured that is normal and that when I begin eating solids and my digestive system begins working again they will go away. I'll tell you, it is really different for ME to lie in bed shivering! I am one of many queens of hot flashes, you know. ;-)

Well, I need my beauty sleep. You all have a wonderful Wednesday. OH! - Go and peek in on the Ladybug (link right over there to the right) and see what her girlie got today. Thera Togs will help her strengthen her muscles and straighten her gait. What a blessing. I wish you could have seen the SMILE she was wearing when she came to show them to me today! She felt good in them and Mama said she was even able to RUN without pain today. Yay!

Speaking of blessings - and by way of a request for prayer - please go and check out the page of the infant son of a Kenai Police officer. When you get to that page the patient name is Turnage and the password is Justus05. Little guy was able to have the needed surgery this morning, which is a praise, but he is going to need a lot of prayer as he recovers. You see - Justus was born with a "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, which is a hole in the Diaphram that allows the bowels to enter the chest cavity".

The docs repaired that today, but he is not out of the woods yet. So all prayers are requested and thankfully received.

This little boy's daddy was one of my 3 year old preschoolers back in '81 during one of my former lives. ;-) He is also the young man I wrote about October 27, 2003. Aaron was the one kid I could count on remembering me. Every once in awhile I would run into his mama as he was growing up and he always spoke to me politely and called me by name. Most of those little kids would deny ever knowing me. ;-) But not Aaron.

So please lift up a prayer for this new little family. Thanks

and, good night.

Posted by Purplemoose at March 22, 2005 10:51 PM

Hi, Moosie, Glad you are feeling better. NO CHILLS! k? NO SPILLS...k?

You've been a busy gal! Lots of stuff up on your page today. God bless you and all of you all of your family and let the baby be healed.

luvya, jj

Posted by: liljif at March 24, 2005 08:58 AM

OUCH!!! I hope you did not hurt your back again!!! Stay Safe ms Moosie!!

Posted by: mary lou at March 24, 2005 10:54 AM

I am so happy to report that Kinzie has handeled 2 FULL DAYS of her Thera Togs. she begs for them int he morning and wont take them off till night. at this rate she will have it in the bag in no time. Okay... and I AM PROUD OF YOU MOMMA!....

Posted by: Ladybug at March 24, 2005 09:29 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau