April 08, 2005

Chilly day for a ride

Thanks to Sugarfused (link on sidebar) I learned that Adagio offers free tea for a link. So, here's the Herbal Tea page. I love herbal teas - peppermint is my favorite. The local restaurant where we have breakfast on weekends has begun to make sure they save out peppermint tea bags just for me. Isn't that sweet? And, even sweeter will be a reward of some from Adagio. Go on over and take a peek and add a link to your page, too.
Chilly day for a ride
but a good day for a ride, too. So, ride I did. 69 miles Friday. That is just a jaunt around town so to speak. Start in Kenai, head towards Soldotna, take a left towards Sterling, loop back around through Soldotna, head towards Kasilof, loop back along Kalifornsky Beach, take a left back to Kenai and home. And, none too soon, either. My fingers were aching!!! The cold had turned the tips blue and they were ice to touch. But it was still a good day.

Hit some rain - mist more than anything - along K-Beach and that was the most unpleasant thing about the ride. But you know, I have ridden in pouring down rain and wind that blew me sideways, so this mist was nothing!

However, before I could go and ride, I had to take the car in to the tire shop and have the studs taken off and the all weather tires put back on. Yup, time to change over for spring and summer driving. No more clickety, clickety, clickety along the roadways. We still have a couple of weeks before bound by law to get them removed, but I think that it is time. I doubt we will have much more in the way of snowfall this year.

Now watch . . . we will get a good dumping of snow in the next couple of weeks. LOL it never fails. And, that is okay. I drove up here for about 15 years before I ever had studded tires on any of the vehicles. Sometimes studs just make you less cautious - you depend on them too much for that extra bit of traction. And, that can be dangerous, too.

Tomorrow is the first day of the big Home Show. Gotta go get my yardstick! One of the building supply stores always has a booth and they hand out yardsticks. It's the sign of having been to the Home Show when you get home with a new yardstick! Yup, it's small town life for sure.

And, of course you have to go to every booth and sign up to win something. I am becoming a bit more picky about which ones I sign up at, though. A lot of the time they are just a way for the companies to get your phone number so they can sic the telemarketers on you. So, I make sure it is something that I want and a company I don't mind hearing from . . . over and over and over again.

The Job Fair yesterday was a loooooonnnngggg day. Hubby and his RVP were at the far end of the room from where I had my table set up. So, we could keep an eye on each other. ;-) There were some freebies there, too. I especially like getting the fat pens. They are so much nicer for my arthritic hands to hold. The Army table had several left at the end of the day and the fellow said take them all so he didn't have to cart them off. I grabbed 5 or 6 from there. The Air National Guard gave me a basketball for oldest grandson. And, then he came later with his Mama and they gave him a t-shirt, too. All of the grandkiddos got a little something.

460 people came through the Job Fair before I left at 5 p.m. That is important for me to know because I have to enter that number on my monthly presentation statistics log. And, since I was also interviewed for the radio I can use an even bigger number for that log - 10,000 which is their estimated radio audience. My boss is gonna love me. ;-)

Hubby and his RVP made a lot of good contacts at the fair, so that worked out well for them.

Anywho . . . I am going to get off here - Hope that you all have a wonderful Saturday. Enjoy.

Posted by Purplemoose at April 8, 2005 09:30 PM

Oh I LOVE those hokey little Home Shows! ANd DO it yourself shows. THey are so much fun, and everybody goes, cause there is nothing else to do, and you get to see people that you have not seen since the last one. I LOve small towns.

Posted by: mary lou at April 9, 2005 10:33 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau