April 09, 2005

Home Show and other stuff

Adagio offers free tea for a link. So, here's the Herbal Tea page. I love herbal teas - peppermint is my favorite. The local restaurant where we have breakfast on weekends has begun to make sure they save out peppermint tea bags just for me. Isn't that sweet? And, even sweeter will be a reward of some from Adagio. Go on over and take a peek and add a link to your page, too.
Today we went to the big Home Show. As I mentioned in my last post - you just HAVE to go to get a new yardstick. Guess what they ran out of just before we got there? You got it - yardsticks. Well, that's okay. No biggie. The kiddies all found plenty of giveaways to fill their bags. And so did this moosie and the daughters as well.

One of the things we do as we walk around is sign up for everything that looks remotely good . . . like the cash cards from Home Depot. Oh, yes indeedy, We'd like to win one of those, we would, we would. Dreaming about a new bathroom, too - so I picked up some info on getting that done. But, that is gonna have to wait until I can afford it. (sigh)

Yesterday while I was riding I passed this blue, green and yellow car. Well, the yellow part was the moose head on top. Yup, you heard me right. A moose of a different color than the one you are used to seeing here on this page. ;-) Not sure you believe me? Well, Ladybug took a picture of me and the car for you - yes, it was at the Home Show. (It is a gimmick for the local yellow pages)

And, I sweet talked the fellow there out of this little guy:

with the promise that he would make an appearance on my website with the PurpleMoose and that I would send him a link to show him. So, there you go, B.W. Jr., as promised.

We walked round and round and the girls and I took turns signing up at the various booths. We would take three slips and sign each other's names and such. That way not one of us got hand cramps. Cooperation. (C is for Cooperation, Bethie! heh) (sorry inside joke)

Oh, I have to tell you how we held parking spots. Yup, that lot was FULL!!! when we got there. I found a spot, but the Ladybug van was quite a way behind us. So, I walked up to the front and waited for her while Lessa and her son scoped out a spot to hold for her. (they had ridden with me) By the time Ladybug arrived they had been steadily moving forward as cars pulled out - they were showing people where to park, all the while keeping one open. Contrary to what I thought, people did not seem to get upset about it. One lady even told the grandson that she remembered doing the very same thing for HER mother when she was a kid.

Small town life. I tell you, if you haven't tried it, you need to.

After the show we went to watch TAT play his first soccer game. What a lot of fun that is. And, the best part? The KIDS have such a good time. He took a ball in the head, too and didn't even bat an eyelash. Good kiddo, that one.

One last picture. Saw this while riding yesterday and then again today:


What's so interesting about this, you might be asking?

Well . . . Here's the big picture. Someone has a sense of humor:

It's the result of ice and snow melting, but being backed up due to the raised bike path. It'll eventually all go into the ground - as soon as the frost underneath breaks through. This is in front of a silk screener's shop.

Remember my motto: I live in Alaska, I make my own fun.

Have a loverly Sunday everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at April 9, 2005 10:39 PM

Fun stuff, Moosie! I love the pic of you alongside that big yellow moose. Cool!

I'm "making my own fun here in Northern California as well.


Posted by: liljif at April 10, 2005 05:43 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau