May 30, 2005


Well, I thought I might have some more Alaska pics to share that hadn't been shown, but I don't seem to find any.

So what are all of you doing on this Memorial Day? I got up early and walked for 3.5 miles and by the time I got home hubby was up, breakfasted, and out the door. Yes, small business owners work holidays, too.

Since then I have been doing a lot of computer work, paying some bills, and other catch-up type stuff. But, for the past hour or so I have been looking for a job - yup, on the look again. Still have the one, but it is getting to be time, I'm thinking. It has been a loooooooooonnnngggg year after the decreased hours and increased insurance costs of last July. This fiscal year, well, it doesn't look to be much brighter, I'm thinking. The joys of working in the non-profit world. Sigh!

So, two apps/resumes submitted electronically. You gotta love modern technology. Another is in envelope ready to be mailed tomorrow. And, a fourth is set to be delivered by hand on my way to work in the morning.

My heart is still with the mission of the place where I am currently working, but a gal has gotta be able to pay the light bill, ya know?

I suppose it is possible that funding may come in for a brighter fy2006, but nobody seems to be holding their breath over it, so I am not going to, either.

In the meantime, hubby and I continue to build our other business - the one for which I studied hard enough to pass the Insurance exam. ;-) Lord willing, job seeking will not be necessary in about 18 months or so.

Oh, a trip is looming in the near future! We are headed out of here June 13th - going to Hotlanta for a week and then on to Ohio for about 5 days. Convention in Atlanta, then visiting some of the backwoods kin of hubby's. Visiting my aunt and uncle and friends in Ohio.

It would be about par that one or more of the four jobs would contact me for an interview while I am out of state, huh? Let's hope they are understanding.

Okay, folks, I am outta here. You all enjoy the rest of this holiday weekend. Remember the troops, say a prayer for them all to come home safely.


Posted by Purplemoose at May 30, 2005 02:47 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau