June 02, 2005

Things that go bump

Actually, the title should rightfully be:

Things that quicken your steps

or something like that.

Out this morning for my walk - Fitness Walking - it's a grand thing. ;-) I have to watch where I am stepping on my road. It's a gravel road and when the city came through and graded it, then treated it for dust, they left some ruts and some large rocks - ankle grabbers.

It's about .1 of a mile to the paved road, so I walk with my head down and watch my step.

Near the end of the road I heard a crack, crackle, snap, pop, to my left. Took a few more steps and heard it again - looked up and OOPS!

Did a quick stutter step to my right and forced myself to breathe, moosie, breathe. Sort of watched out of the corner of my eye and kept walking, but watching to make sure I had a clear path to run and hide if need be.

What could cause my heart to pick up a beat? Wish I had a camera, but I don't carry it when I am fitness walking.

Mama moose with two new-born calves. Their little ears were straight up - so curious. Mama kept browsing, thankfully. And, they were all on my left - they hadn't crossed over the road so that I was in between mama and babies. That would be really dangerous.

Neighbor stepped out and took a picture. He had his (unleashed) dog with him and I motioned the dog back. Neighbor had him under voice control, but that is also dangerous. Dogs are one of the top killers of newborn calves. (Bears are right up there, too.)

I kept looking over my shoulder as I passed. It is an awesome sight - little red-headed babies - they are so cute. Sweet. But not if you are between them and their mama.

Yup - quickened step and quickened heart beat. That's a grand way to start the morning.

here is a photo on Dancing Crane Studios. Aren't they cute little critters?

You all have a glorious day.

LessaEDIT> Pictures of the moose in question, donated by the Ladybug. These twins were actually birthed behind her house. *g*


They've been roaming the neighborhood ever since.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 2, 2005 08:27 AM

awwwwwwwwwwwwwww a picksure!!

Posted by: barbara at June 2, 2005 04:46 PM

How adorable! But I have heard tales that they can be mean and stomp a person to death.
I almost ran into a deer one evening when I was on my walk. I stopped just in time for him to run across my path!
It's a Jungle out there!

Posted by: Phyllis at June 3, 2005 10:40 PM

Hey, cute baby moosies!

Posted by: Linda at June 4, 2005 09:17 AM

Oh wow!! How cool is that?

Posted by: Pat at June 4, 2005 04:16 PM

AWWWWW Babies!!! How cute is that?

Posted by: mary lou at June 6, 2005 10:58 AM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau