June 06, 2005

Weather or not

Left work at 2:30 today - headed over to a park to get some photos of Cook Inlet for you all. Instead I found some very interesting weather patterns.

Click here to view a composite image

That is made up of 8 different shots - slightly different angle on each so the seams aren't . . . well, seamless. But it gives you a great idea of what I was seeing. The sun was shining brightly to my right and as I turned to my left the clouds were just BLACK! It was actually kind of cool looking.


I think the city is probably wasting their water here - not gonna need it for much longer.


Here's a rustic little place. It is on the register of historic places, and - it belongs to one of my coworkers.

I was pretty sure I was going to be rained upon before I reached my house and sure enough:


Tonight hubby and I took a drive out to Kasilof and on the way back the clouds were rolling in again. One in particular stuck out and we could both see somethig from our tv past:

Can you see Dino?

Remember Fred Flintstone's pet dinosaur?
Here's a closeup:


So, all in all, a really cool weather day. AND!!!! We even had one loooooonnnnngggg rolling peal of thunder this afternoon. We don't often hear thunder up here, so it was pretty cool.

One last picture - last night The Wild Child came for a short visit. Seems she had something to show us. Paw-Paw decided that he and she were twins now:


Hope your Tuesday is a great one. I had a post here last night - and it appeared a couple of times today also - Warm Fuzzies. Now it seems to be gone into the ethernet again. Bye bye entry! Not a big deal. The server apparently had some difficulties, but are all back up and hunky dory again.

Posted by Purplemoose at June 6, 2005 10:40 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau