July 10, 2005

Earth to ????

Visited with a friend of mine Friday afternoon. Her neighbor seems to be calling someone . . . . (ET phone home . . .)


The next two shots show more wiring - of a temporary nature. They are building a new bridge over the Kenai River in Soldotna. To do so, first they erected a new temporary bridge next to the old one. Now they are dismantling the old bridge and soon (??) will be erecting a new one in its place.

The traffic is TERRIBLE! And, it usually is bad in the summer in that area due to tourists trying to get from Anchorage to Homer. It is generally bumper to bumper. Only now the bumpers extend about 3.5 miles or so.

Anyway, they installed a new, temporary, traffic signal. You know it is temporary because of all of the exposed wiring. Ouch!



I take great pains not to go through Soldotna - not during the summer. But sometimes I just have to be there. It took me 4 lights to get through the one before this one. Three lights to get through this one. Another 5 minutes to get to the bridge and across it. Only one light to get through that intersection. Yay!

Mind you, there are only 4 lights in Soldotna. Well, five with the temporary one now. There are only 5 lights in Kenai! And, when we moved here there were NO lights at all. We are ever so civilized now. (YUK!) It was a big deal when Kenai got the first traffic light on the Kenai Peninsula. We all lined up to see it begin working. (Sad, innit?) ;-)

Have a great week, everyone.

OH!!! I almost forgot. Wanted to share a funny with you from a friend at church:

A young couple got married. Not long afterwards, the new hubby came to his pastor to complain and tell the man that they were quarreling.

The pastor asked what about.

The hubby said, "she is not doing her job! She won't make coffee in the morning."

The pastor nodded sagely and asked why that was a problem.

Hubby said "I told her it is HER job to make the coffee and she said no it wasn't that the Bible said it is the husband's job to make the coffee."

"What?" said the pastor, now a bit non-plussed.

"Yup", said the hubby. "It's right there and I guess I gotta do what the Bible says."

"Where?" asked the pastor. "Can you show me?"

"Yes," said the young man. "It's right there after the book of Philemon . . .


hahahahahahahahahaha - there you go, ladies. Make HIM do the coffee tomorrow. LOL.

Posted by Purplemoose at July 10, 2005 09:57 PM

Hiyah Barb!

Long time no speakie. Seems like you are fairing well bask'n in the Alask'n way. Tourists? Lots? brigde out? Awefullllll!!!

Love your bible story.


Posted by: liljif at July 11, 2005 05:29 PM

So civilization has even hit the Kenai huh? Pity!! When I lived in ADAK the Anchorage paper had a map of what they envisioned the Achorage bowl to look like in the year 2020. It looked just like Seattle with city all around the Arm and the Mat-Su area. SO SAD!!!

Posted by: mary lou at July 13, 2005 04:26 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau