July 15, 2005

Folks, that ain't . . .

weather clouds that you see . . .


and - here's a closeup:

We are very close to two areas that are burning. (HUMPF!!! I would have linked to our newspaper story, but they are requiring log ins now. So, they lose)

We are not close enough to be burnt or even to fear being burnt, but we are close enough to have the smoke rolling in over us. I was unable to take my walk this morning because of all of the smoke. I like my lungs just the way they are, thank you very much. Sigh.

And, beneath the bluff where I took the above photos, another phenomenon of Kenai was occurring:


Those are folks camping out waiting for the tide to come back in. It is personal use (Alaska residents only) dipnetting season. We are at the height of the red salmon season. These folks will be out there as the tide comes in - hip deep in 50-60 degree (or colder) water - plying their dip nets looking to bring home one of their allotted 35 red salmon. Yay for them.

We no longer do this - our girls are grown and married and can go get their own if need be. Hubby does not like fish (!!!! the horrors!!!!) and I am but one person, so one red would do me for the year - really. So we don't fish because we don't eat enough.

It was fun when we did it though.

Have a great weekend everyone.

p.s. Hello to a new reader : Paul of Chasing the Dragon's Tale

Posted by Purplemoose at July 15, 2005 06:11 PM

Salmon...mmmmm, I am so there mentally. I wish we could send you some of the leftovers from hurricane Dennis, you'd be walking, errr wading, in no time!

~~waving from Tennessee,

Posted by: Paul at July 16, 2005 02:25 PM

They cleaned them. In my KITCHEN. where I EAT. and I hate fish! and they caught MANY! and they are so PROUD! and did I mention that they cleaned them in my KITCHEN? and that they caught MANY? and that I HATE FISH?

And that they are proud? *heh* The grandbabies did good! The Girl outfished them all, bringing in 4, to the boy's 3. The pup took a nap in the bow of the boat, and the bigger boys brought in 4 between them. heh.

And did i mention I hate fish? and they are in my KITCHEN???

the all grown up girl who'd rather NOT fish...

Posted by: Lessa at July 17, 2005 02:41 AM

AW QUit whinning!!! you'll miss those kids and their smelly fish when they are all grown and gone!!!

I remember days in ADAk where you could literally stand straddeling a stream and grab the fish with both hands and throw them on the bank. THere are so many there you can't believe it!!

Posted by: mary lou at July 17, 2005 10:14 PM

I sure hope the fires are out soon. I can't imagine being in that cold of water. Then again that is because in water I am in a bathing suit. :-)

Posted by: Bonnie at July 18, 2005 08:16 PM

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top image original by beatrice faveneau