August 30, 2005

Never ending

a favorite picture - Kevin and T-man in Homer about 3 or 4 years ago.

The list of things to do just seems to grow.

Lessa is holding up as are the kiddos. Two of them went back to school today. The boy had a bit of a tummy thing going on so he stayed home. Seems to be doing better tonight, though, so I imagine that he will go on to school tomorrow.

I have been taking Lessa to various governmental offices and other such places to take care of business. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. Argh!

Wish I could do more to help. There is a fine line between helping and just plain getting in the way. A very fine line.

I am blessed in that I have a lot of sick leave hours accrued at work - so I am able to take off this entire week. If need be, I can take off more time next week as well.

Friends have been bringing food and necessities to Lessa and kiddos, so they are being fed. It is a blessing not to have to think about what to cook. One friend, Mimi the grands call her, brought paper products - toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, cups, plastic ware, trash bags. Necessities that we often overlook during such times. Mimi is a doll and our family loves her.

The autopsy has been completed and the medical examiner has released Kevin's body. We are still waiting for the toxicology report - so no cause of death has been established yet. That could take another three weeks (!!!)

But, now that Kevin is back on the peninsula with us, the plans can proceed. There will be a private family viewing. And, then the Memorial service will be held Saturday afternoon. The Elks club officers are holding the service - Kevin was a member. A week from Friday a wake will be held at Kevin's favorite camping spot.

Lots of "brothers" and "sisters" will be arriving over the next few days and into next week as well.

Thank you all for your kindnesses - your prayers and thoughts are uplifting the entire family. We appreciate you all.

Give your loved ones an extra big hug today.


Posted by Purplemoose at August 30, 2005 11:49 PM

Appreciate the update and I am so glad people are thinking of those little things that mean so much. They are brave children to go to school.

It is a good thing you have the time available as well.



Posted by: Pat at August 31, 2005 06:46 AM

Just another reminder that you should NEVER leave a love one with out telling them you love them. you just never know. I am glad to hear that Lessa is holding up so well, but be ready, cause she just may fall all apart after the service. It is good that she has so much family around to support her.

Posted by: mary lou at September 1, 2005 01:18 AM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau