October 22, 2003

Mystery solved?

prplicon.jpg Tuesday steps: 10201

Okay, maybe it isn't solved so much as the problem is resolved. I checked my account again today - a couple more checks had cleared - added the outstanding checks, subtracted them from the bank's balance and came up a WHOLE lot closer than before - only off $3 now - and it is in MY favor this time. Good grief. Can we say the moose's brain is fried?

We are closing in on the end of the training. The director will be in the office most of tomorrow as the shelter manager will be taking care of the bulk of the sessions. She is our legal advocate and tomorrow focuses on the legalities of domestic violence and sexual assault.

I will go out to take ice in the cooler for the water and juice, and take fresh muffins and another box of trail mix packets. Then I need to stop by another agency to pick up a letter of endorsement for a grant the director is submitting. After that I will be pretty much rushing all day to complete whatever tasks she sets for me. We have our annual meeting next week and there are packets to prepare. I have the bulk of the copying done already, but there are always those last minute things - like the director's report and the board president's report.

I am looking forward to Friday, though. Not only is it the last day of the training, but I will be taking a poetry class at the college - it starts Friday and then all day Saturday. It is being taught by Linda McCarriston, a professor from the Anchorage campus. She is a feisty, no nonsense Irish lady (dual citizenship) whom I admire greatly. It will be a tough class, but I am looking forward to it.

Remember last week I said that there were so many things I could be doing on Saturday? Well, that is the way it is this Friday. The Ladybug is flying to Anchorage for a special ultrasound and I can't go because I have to work (usually have Fridays off), then I have the class, then there is the Friends of the Kenai Library annual dinner/raffle (which I won last year). So, I am attending the class, and my sister and niece are going to the dinner on my ticket. And, yes, I told her I would share with her if I won the big money again. Hey - stranger things could happen, I guess. Either way it is a good cause for a donation.

Oh, I have a "new" moose. This one came to me by way of work - Chocolate sports a Halloweenish orange rack. He is settling in among the rest of the moose critters. So far they are getting along nicely.

Forty minutes on the treadmill tonight. It just felt good and I stayed on for the extra five minutes. Looks like Lisa is running on hers - go, Lisa! And, Jilly swims laps. We are the wall pushers, we are! Woo-hoo!

okay, night all.

Posted by Purplemoose at October 22, 2003 10:35 PM

Choco(latte) is very cute. I have a cute moose, too. It's purple. No! you say? Yes, indeedy. hahahahaha

Posted by: Lorraine at October 23, 2003 06:21 AM

awwww - yup you do, you do. And we are very happy about that, too.

Posted by: barbara at October 23, 2003 10:35 AM

You're one busy gal! I love the orange rack on Chocolate. Such a laid-back moose.

Posted by: Linda at October 23, 2003 12:58 PM

Very cute new moosie. Do you think he'd be interested in swimming laps?

Posted by: jadedju at October 23, 2003 04:41 PM

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau