December 09, 2003

1st grade program

Tonight it was Dezi's turn to shine:


The arrow is pointing to him. I was too far away (900 seat auditorium) and the room was too dark to get a much better picture.

He was having a wonderful time - we were very proud of him. His self control was evident when another boy stepped on his foot getting onto the risers. He gave one yelp and then stood there quietly. Nicely done, Dez.

This program actually featured first and second graders. One of the cutest was the older classes who came out and stepped onto the risers all facing to our left. Each wore a hat that was shaped and colored like a zebra. And they sang a little song saying the Santa was using zebras this year.

Then, suddenly they all turned to face our right - and ta-dah! the zebra heads were replaced with red nosed reindeer heads and they sang Rudolph. It was very cute.

The music teacher at that school has won several awards and just does a marvelous job with these little guys. She even gets the kinders playing instruments during their time with her. She's very hands-on and the kids love her.

But, this gramma is tired - too much excitement with back to back programs like that. So, I am off to dreamland.

Have a wonderful Wednesday.

Posted by Purplemoose at December 9, 2003 11:24 PM

Too much fun, girl!

Posted by: dan at December 10, 2003 08:01 PM

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