November 30, 2005


Poor Pup - well, Peaceful Pup


Dental work done today - she was a bit skittish about the needle thing at the last visit - pretty much broke her dentist's heart. So, she visited a different dentist today - one that administers sleepy-time juice.

So cute - so peaceful - so very very VERY out of it.

She did very well, however, and is recovering at home with Mama. Nana Moosie took lunch from the arches and got to sit and eat with her while she watched Shrek and ignored me. ;-) That's my girl.

She has a pretty fat lip tonight. Probably because she kept pulling on it while it was numb and telling her Mama that she couldn't feel it. I suggested that ice might be a good thing to take down the swelling.

She is such a little livewire that it is really odd to see her so mellow, you know?

The last day of the month - can you believe how quickly this year has slipped past us? I've sent out the Christmas cards - stood in line yesterday for about 15 minutes to have them weighed (I made them so was unsure if I would need two stamps) and then stood in the lobby another 5-10 minutes putting the stamps on the envelopes. Too much fun.

Received an interesting phone call today. An interesting proposition was made. If it pans out I will let you know. Should be fun, but lots of nervous butterflies are fluttering about in my tummy tonight.

Posted by Purplemoose at 06:26 PM | Comments (2)

November 25, 2005

Before and After

and all in between:


getting hungry!


urp! scuse me


traditional shot - Crazy Style


traditional shot

Each year - generally Mother's Day, Thanksgiving/Christmas, I try to get a photo of Gramma and her "babies" who are not babies any longer as you can see. The goofy shot is because my girls asked for it, of course. Do I mind? No - because that is how we are - goofy at best - or at our best when we're acting goofy.

Busy, busy day. I was up at 5 to get the bird in the oven. Then I drove to the church gym to join two other diehards for a 45 minute fitness walk. Back home to discover that hubby had been airing out the house - because the bird caused the smoke alarms to go off. But as you can see the bird survived even if hubby's rattled nerves did not. ;-)

Fixed a (too)hearty breakfast for us both and watched a bit of the parade while getting the front room ready for the hungry hordes. Yup, the front room. It is a tad bigger than the kitchen. Sent hubby over to the shop (site of our former business) to pick up a table - then got one from his computer room and se them up in a t-shape.

Oldest grandson came down to help set everything up. Helped with tablecloths, place settings (including impromptu name cards), and getting it all ready to go.

We were descended upon by the family and I absolutely love it. We went around the table talking about what Thanksgiving is all about - the two first graders have been studying it in school - and then shared one thing for which we are thankful. Then Paw-Paw led a prayer of thanksgiving and we all dug in. As you can see from the After shot above, we did fair damage to that 20+ pound birdie.

The Ladybug family left to visit the other grandparents (more turkey awaited them!!!) and Lessa's family helped to clear up and she and I took shifts doing up the dishes, leaving the kitchen clean again! Yay!

Then the Lessa clan and the Moosie couple went for a ride with Paw-Paw. Seems he had purchased advance tickets to see HP - Goblet of Fire. Thanks, Paw-Paw Moosie.

Now today begins the traditional seasonal shopping frenzies. At 5 this morning a store in Soldotna opened its doors for its annual sock sale - a loss leader that gets you into the doors to buy buy BUY! At 10 this morning the Art Guild opens its doors at the local high school for a huge crafts sale. And, at 11:30 this morning the jolly red suited elf makes his first appearance at the Kenai Visitors and Cultural Center.

And I slept in until the glorious hour of (almost) 8 a.m.!!! I might have made it longer but my back gave out. Not sure how much I am going to do today - I will go to the sock sale and hopefully the crowds will have thinned out. I may go to the crafts fair, but probably will have to miss the jolly man. I think I am taking a "me" day today.

Trust that you all had a wonderful thanksgiving and that you were able to find at least one thing for which to be thankful.

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:23 AM | Comments (5)

November 21, 2005

out of this world


Taken early Saturday morning in front of the Challenger Learning Center in Kenai. I love how the darkness made the world just a bit like moosie - purplish.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:51 PM | Comments (2)

November 20, 2005

Birthday Boys

Yesterday was D-Bug's 9th birthday. Today was brother TAT's 7th birthday. They decided to have separate birthday celebrations this year - a change for them as they've always celebrated together.

Happy Birthday boys!

Happy Birthday, Aliens!

D-Bug's cake - a Space ship!

Happy Beach Party birthday!

TAT's cake - a beach party.

Isn't Ladybug talented? The birthday celebrant gets to decide what type of cake he/she wants and then Ladybug goes into action. Very talented she is, she is.

And, now I am printing out the photos for my Christmas cards. If you would like one, but have not done so, email me your snail address so that I can add you to the list. (prplmoose AT kenaiwriter DOT net )

btw - my hand is looking much better - still dusky, but I think that the arnica has helped a lot in the bruising. The knuckle is still quite tender, but we are moving along. Have a great turkey week everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:15 PM | Comments (1)

November 19, 2005

Better Days 6



My girls will probably recognize this as the Bookey house. It was lived in up to about 15 years ago, actually. The elder Bookeys have moved up to the Anchorage area. Their children still live here. One is a "brown" truck driver and one is a city council person. Not sure if there are more or what they do, but these two we know.

The elders used to have a restaurant - well, two actually at one point, one in Kenai and one in Soldotna - called (what else?) Bookey's. Now they have two in Anchorage - called Wee-Bee's. "Little Bookey's" (wee because they're little and Bee for Bookey's - I'm guessing - what do I know)

The burgers there are the same as they were here - big - greasy - and hit the spot. Right, Lessa? I drove her to Anc. when she was pg with the Girl and she and the Boy and I stopped at one of the WeeBee's because she HAD to have a Bookey burger. I'm sure she will remember that trip because on our way home I got a speeding ticket!!! My first (and only - and last) ticket in Alaska. Sigh. Anyway, she said the burger met her craving, so that was all that mattered, huh?

Well, that is about it for our short tour of Old Towne Kenai homes that have seen better days. I'll share some other pics in the days ahead.

in the meantime -

HAPPY BIRTHDAY D-BUG!!! (9 years old today)


HAPPY BIRTHDAY T-BUG!!! (7 years old Sunday)

Nana Moosie loves you guys.

Posted by Purplemoose at 08:32 PM | Comments (2)

November 18, 2005

Better Days 5



The Moose Range Headquarters was built in 1898 as an Alaska agriculture experiment station, including a residence, barn, woodshed, blacksmith shop and implement shop. The site was used as headquarters for the Kenai National Moose Range -- now the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge -- until 1980, and the World War I Quonset hut was used as staff housing. information from

This building was in use when we first moved here - we had to go there to get a permit to cut down a tree for the girls' Christmas one year.

oh - and check out my lovely hand - beware speedwalking (40 laps in less than 37 minutes!) and swinging your arms wide in the turns! Ouch!


sorry about the quality. I could not seem to get the bruising to show up very well. I hit the middle knuckle which is now extremely swollen and sore to the touch ( so, don't touch it, Moosie!) I'm using arnica and ice for the swelling and pain, although neither seems to help for long. It'll go away soon, I'm sure.

Posted by Purplemoose at 06:20 PM | Comments (3)

Better Days 4



a much photographed house. I've shown it here before as has Lessa just recently. You can find it near the Russian Orthodox Church in Old Towne Kenai. It's getting more and more ramshackle.

The first photo here shows that one of the walls has been pushed inward. Not sure if it is happening because of settling action or if it is vandalism. I took a couple of shots of the interior, but don't want to share those with you. It is very disturbing to see litter and such.

I'm not really trying to show you a seedy side of Alaska, you see. In their own way these places are quite picturesque. They have a lot of history - even if we don't know what that history might be. If these walls could talk. Imagine a family or an old crusty bachelor sitting at a table inside this cabin.

Look at the tongue and groove detailing on the logs at the corners.

I wonder how many more winters this place has left in it?

Posted by Purplemoose at 12:33 AM | Comments (3)

November 16, 2005

Better Days 3


The flash went off for this pic for some reason - so it is a bit grainy. That is a No Trespassing sign on a dark green travel trailer. It caught my eye as I drove past - I backed up to take the pic.

To Philly, From Alaska w/Love

Do yourself a favor and read through all of the archives. What a great look at village life in Alaska. David Miller is in his second year as a teacher in Alaska. His insights are priceless - the photos awesome. Enjoy.

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:15 PM | Comments (0)

November 15, 2005

Better Days 2

Continuing on with the series


I wasn't able to get too close to this one. It sits pretty close to the bluff overlooking the Kenai River, near a landmark establishment Kenai Joe's (one of the oldest and, shall we say, seediest, bars in town).

Doesn't look like this is lived in at the moment. It probably houses folks in the summer during the "busy" times.

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:15 PM | Comments (1)

November 14, 2005

They've seen

better days

Today I drove through Old Towne Kenai and took some digital shots - I'll upload one here tonight and hopefully over the next few days introduce you to some of Kenai's history.

Places that have seen better days . . . .


Posted by Purplemoose at 10:32 PM | Comments (3)

November 10, 2005

In Honor of . . .

Click for Alaska Governor's proclamation
Click image for Governor's proclamation
Alaska is the only state to recognize Women Veterans for their service
November 9th

Click for salute from
Click image for salute to the Marines on their birthday - Nov. 10th


that is all

Posted by Purplemoose at 03:52 PM | Comments (2)

November 07, 2005


In today's mail:



from my Aunt B. in Ohio. She tells me that my Mother gave these to her a long time ago. I believe she said that Mom made them - Mom had a ceramics period - lots of ash trays and such.

When we visited my aunt in August she showed these to me and said that she wanted me to have them - to remember Mom by - and to remember her by. They arrived today.

They are really sweet. The Moose population is keeping an eye (or lots of eyes) on them for me.

In other news . . .

Just how cold is it, Moosie?
at 8:35 a.m. today it was 5 degrees.


at 5:05 tonight it had gotten clear up to 9 degrees!

It really didn't go up much higher all day long. I think it said 9 degrees at noon.

You see, Dan??? I have a REASON to whine. (and to dress in layers - heh)


Posted by Purplemoose at 11:51 PM | Comments (2)

November 04, 2005


Yes, Dan, I know, I know. I should be used to it by now. But good golly, man!!! It is downright chilly out there - and used to it or not - well, brrrrrr! When you have to plug in your car to make sure she starts in the morning, well . . . that is just C.O.L.D!

And it's only November.

But the pictures are pretty - well, the skies and scenery are pretty - the pictures don't do them justice.

nevertheless . . . .

heading onto the highway.

early morning fog on the Kenai River

Well, I was going to try to find a comparison shot on that last pic, but good grief I have a buncha pics on this computer! Sigh. Maybe I'll add to it and get another shot today. ;-)

It was taken from the parking lot of a bluff over the Kenai River yesterday morning before I went to work. The River is still a bit warmer than the air so you see the results - steamy fog rising. Looked pretty neat in person.

This is looking across the River (that's the Kenai River) towards the "cannery" where we spent our first winter in Alaska. Not a cannery actually - more correctly known as a fish processer, but we were introduced to it as a cannery and the name just stuck.

To the left of the shot is "the Bridge" which connects K-Beach Rd. (Kalifornsky Beach Road - Kalifonsky Beach Road - depending on which sign you are reading) to the Spurr Hwy. by a shorter route. The bridge opened the year before we arrived in Alaska - prior to that time it was a looooong drive to Soldotna and back along K-Beach to various spots that you could see just across the River.

To the right of the shot is Cook Inlet and on its western banks Mt. Iliamna and Mt. Redoubt. Further south out of picture range is Mt. Augustine (a volcanic island - or I guess more properly an island volcano) and further north is Mt. Spurr.

Guess you had to be there - ::smile:: - so come on up and see all this in person, why don't you.

Speaking of that - I tried to enter the Where in the World is Matt Laurer contest Monday and was told I could not - you see, I do NOT live in the 48 states. Sigh! I wanted to win so I could take hubby to Greece - he has always wanted to go. So fine! Let nbc be that way. Humpf! (and yes, they received a nice email from me on the subject! No, of COURSE they didn't answer it.)

Anyway, folks have a great weekend.

Posted by Purplemoose at 01:05 PM | Comments (6)

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau