November 29, 2004


I mentioned awhile back that I had been having trouble with my shoulder and arm. It is the reason I haven't been on here as much as usual.

Have been seeing a chiropractor now for a couple of months and am much improved - such a blessing to not have constant pain. Last week - after having graduated to fewer visits - I had a bit of a flare-up. It sent me back to her office in near tears.

Near tears -

because I am the Mom

I am the stoic one

I don't break down

I am tough - strong - hard as nails


Really and truly - I thought I had it pretty well together - figured I could get in there, get adjusted, have a therapeutic massage, and make my escape - pretty much unscathed.

Only, it didn't work out quite that way.

Nurturing got in the way of that plan. Empathy got in the way. Tenderness got in the way.

I was told that I could cry if I needed to - the masseuse would not mind - he is used to that happening. I could even cry in the adjustment room if I needed to. Boy, apparently I needed to - without warning the tears were streaming down my face.

And there was a sweet release.

The pain dissipated, also. Apparently I carry my stress right there between my shoulders.

It had been a stressful week, compounded by the pain, which was compounded by the stress, which was . . . well, you get the picture.

I know that I am paying that office for their services - but I feel that they really do care about me. Even if it is only in passing - only while I am right there in front of them - it is there.

Greg shows it in his respectful discretion as he works on me. Sometimes we talk - but mostly I let him work me over without much more than an "oof" on my part.

Gloria shows it by the way she cradles my head in her hands in a relaxation hold after she has adjusted me - by the occasional running of her thumb down my forehead.

There is healing in the human touch - especially in one who cries out for the touch of another human.

Nurture - plain and simple.

now go on out and touch someone, won't you?

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:47 PM | Comments (7)

November 27, 2004

Do You Nanowrimo?

Lessa does - she did last year - and she did again this year.

Nanowrimo= National Novel Writers Month (or something like that). The idea is for a novel to be written in the 30 days of November. 30 days to write 50,000 words.

Last year Lessa's book was self-published - I helped edit it and it was a good read.

This year . . . this year she needs to send it off to some publishers. Oh, my, but what a good story line and good read. Sixty-three hours of writing and 67,359 words written. With some filling in and editing she will be right up there at about 75,000 words or so.

As soon as she gives me leave I will post a link to her story.

Until then . . . well, Lessa, I must say this: Job well done! I'm proud of you, kiddo.

Oh, and one more thing . . .


* the sound of the needle on her word-ometer thingy reaching well beyond 100% on the dial . . . BOING!!!

Posted by Purplemoose at 05:41 PM | Comments (2)

November 26, 2004

Day AFTER Thanksgiving

Three entries in one day - in order to see the others, you will notice there are individual titles over there on the left . . or you can find them this way:

Push Me, Pull You


~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Christmas Comes to Kenai . . . this is always the BIG celebration of the Kenai Chamber of Commerce. It happens every year, the day after Thanksgiving. But let me tell you about my day - from beginning until now . . .

I woke up - heh, well, that IS how I started my day. ;-) Only I woke up a bit later than I had planned. You see, the big box store (Fred Meyer) in the next town has an 8 hour sale today - from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Of course, the store is less crowded at 6 a.m. so I had hoped to get there at least by 7. HA!

Ha, I say - I woke up about 6:30 and after my shower didn't get out of the door until 7 or so. Braved the elements . . . and the CROWD . . . for, are you ready for this?

SOCKS - for my hubby. Well, they were 50% off, after all. I bought four packages of socks - $20 worth - 24 pairs. Now, I just have to get into his sock drawer and dispose of all of the thin, thinner, and thinnest socks he owns. ;-)

Then it was on to the CCtK celebrations . . . or so I thought. When I arrived to the location for the Santa appearance I found . . . two men and a little guy setting up the barricades . . . or was it taking them down? Did I miss it?

Nope - I was just two hours early, that's all. Oh, I thought it started at 9:30. Nup, come back at 11:30. Of course, the most precious was the little guy helping his grandpa (I know the grandpa). He came to the window as I talked with grandpa and told me all about setting up the barricades "because it's OUR turn to do it."

Oh, my! How precious is that? I thanked him for taking his turn and told him to have fun with his grandpa and then left to go on to another of the CCtK special events . . .

the annual Crafts Fair! By now it was about 10 minutes to 10. The fair starts at 9 on Friday and 10 on Saturday. Uh, no, not this year . . . this year it starts at 10 on BOTH days. Humpf! Well, I noticed other folks going in, so I did, too. I only bought two things there - a package of salmon pepperoni, and a package of buffalo pepperoni, both locally processed. Yum! (there were taste tests available and I hadn't had breakfast . . . yum!)

Afterwards I headed back over to the Visitors Center to join the grandkiddos in line waiting for the jolly old elf himself . . . we didn't have long to wait. Soon we heard and saw the Kenai Fire Department's ladder truck coming - with Santa riding jauntily atop and waving.

santa1.JPG santa2.JPG

He climbed down and walked along the sidewalk shaking hands of little ones and shaking his bells and telling them all that he would see them soon inside.

We walked in with the crowd to find . . . disneyland-like arrows leading us in a snaking fashion to his throne. It was well orchestrated and I applaud the chamber for the thought that went into it this year.

After the long line . . . we came to the man himself:

Isaiah had nooooo problem for his first ever visit with Santa.

neither did Dezi

or Timothy

Kinzie, on the other hand . . .
was not quite as happy about it.

Then it was Lessa's clan's turn . . .

Jessi climed up a-talking

and Mairi had a nice little chat.

The boy has decided he is too big for Santa, so he helped in other ways - like holding Isaiah so we could get pics. But, we did get him in the group shot. (Thanks to Lessa for this pic and the Santa pics and the ones of her kiddos)


And a good time was had by all.

Tonight the festivities continue with a bonfire and carol singing - and fireworks - and an electric light parade.

We love our life here in small town Alaska. Thanks for peeking in.

Posted by Purplemoose at 06:21 PM | Comments (0)


Really, there is nothing more special than having your entire family share the table with you. Yesterday we were so blessed. We sat 15 in our living room. In previous years we have used the garage to set up our dinner - it was a bit chilly temperature-wise, but warm and loving with everyone gathered.

This year, we didn't store the motorcycles elsewhere, so the garage was out. Oh, my, what are we going to do?

Hubby and I put our heads together - then we put the tables together. Set them up in our living room. It was tight quarters, but warm and loving with everyone gathered.

The turkey was almost too large for the roaster:


it was quite well done and came out in pieces. ;-) Yum

Isaiah, was the hit of the day - his first Thanksgiving:


He got one of the legs -


so good


good to the bone


and a roll


and, pie, of course!


most of it made it INTO Isaiah - but some . . .


it all comes out in the wash!

MEANWHILE . . . the other kids played and had a great time:


while we all attempted to watch a movie (Elf).

In all, it was a wonderful day, and I thank especially the Ladybug and my hubby for taking care of the aftermath, while I did the important thing:


Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful.

Posted by Purplemoose at 05:28 PM | Comments (1)

Push Me - Pull You . . . or

There are TWO programs tonight?????

Yes, with having 6 grandkids in 4 different schools (including a pre-school, K-2, 3-5, and 6-8) the probability of overlapping programs proved true twice this week.

The two kinders each had programs that I was unable to attend, due to an appointment in the next town. Sigh. I missed out on butterscotch-flavored Friendship Soup in the boy's room. His mama tells that tale here. Seems the children were asked to bring something - anything (and the tell-tale instructions - Think Outside of the Box) they would like to add to the soup. Heh! I would have loved to have a taste of that soup.

And, then, the evening programs. Two different grands - two different schools - both with Thanksgiving themes - both wanting grandparents to attend. Waaahhh!

We did the only thing we could do . . . Paw-Paw attended one, and Nana attended the other. But we have pictures of both - yay!!!

Here we have the 2nd grader performing . . .

Have you ever seen a gap-toothed indian?


That's some grin, eh?



and a wave to all the parents:

meanwhile . . . . a couple of miles away . . . on the other side of the town . . .

the 5th graders were performing.


Mairi's the shaker!


and a singer


and a presenter.

The four classes had to research native American cultures, write theme papers (from which the script for the night was taken), learn songs and dances, and make displays in their rooms from the information they had learned. It was all quite interesting and entertaining.

The next entry will have highlights from Thanksgiving.

Posted by Purplemoose at 05:00 PM | Comments (0)

November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!


I will try to get in here later to post pictures - am behind on a couple of posts that I want to do - so we'll see.

In the meantime -

I give thanks for all that I have -

for my Lord and Savior

for my family and friends

for all that I have been given (none of which I deserve)

Happy Thanksgiving, friends.


Posted by Purplemoose at 12:02 AM | Comments (2)

November 22, 2004

Strengthen the Good

Strengthen the Good

with books - for students learning English. Read all about it here:
Help Build An English Library For Teenagers In Bratislava, Slovakia

The note from Alan says:

Slovakian teenagers, at a small and poor school set amongs the towers of a Soviet-era apartment block, trying to learn English (which they call "the language of freedom and opportunity,") but with no books.

So I thought we could help build a library, and have something to feel good about along the way.

Got an extra copy of The Fountainhead or Old Yeller or the works of T. S. Eliot lying around? Here's your chance to use them to do some good.

Please consider posting a link to my post at STG, and remember: Don't just fight evil ... strengthen the good!

Best regards,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Happy Monday, everyone

Posted by Purplemoose at 08:30 AM | Comments (0)

November 20, 2004

We be havin' birthdays

One of the joys of being a Gramma is watching the little ones growing up. It is bittersweet, of course, but still great fun.

Last night we attended a birthday party for two of the little guys - Dezi turned 8 years old yesterday and his brother, Timothy, turned 6 today. Thus a combined party. Good times.

Mama Ladybug made goodies for the boys' classes: (click to enlarge)
blue monsters green monsters

The eyes were made altoids - some, however, needed haircuts as the hair covered the eyes. ;-) She baked the cake in ice cream cones and then iced them like monsters. Such a cute idea!

And, for the family . . .
We got the bear.

Much hilarity as presents were opened, pizza devoured, and movies enjoyed. Happy birthday, boys!!

Fast forward to today . . . Nana picked up the T-Man for his lunch and shopping trip (a day early, in order to take advantage of some sales at the store). Grandpa and I decided to treat him to a special lunch at a local Mexican restaurant we like.

He enjoyed meeting our server, Margarita. (did you know that means "daisy" when translated from the Spanish?)

After munching on chips and salsa he could hardly eat his burrito with jalapenos - yes, the boy asked specifically for jalapenos! And, he ate those - while leaving the burrito practically untouched. He also ate off my plate, though. ;-)

And, then it was time for the surprise we had promised him . . .
icecream happy birthday, dear pancho

An ice cream sundae was brought out and a sombrero just his size placed on his head while the manager, our server, and the bus girl sang to him in Spanish, then finishing with Happy Birthday, dear Pancho in English. Timothy was enchanted.

blow yum
Then it was time to blow out the candle and dig in - along with his new elephant (Timothy loves and collects elephants) helping him. Yummy!

And, then we went shopping. Boy, was I tired when we got home. But it was a good tired. Thank you, Timothy. Nana loves you.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Tonight I drove back to Soldotna to the little locally owned bookstore for a Wrtiers Night sponsored by the college. I had been asked to read, so braved the pouring rain (sigh, yes, rain) and snow mixed (good old Snain) and standing water on the highway to go over and join other writers and a small audience. I really like the ambience of the bookstore - it is small enough to be intimate, yet big enough not to feel too crowded. It is just right.

Eight of us read - some read more than one piece - it was very nice. And, the owner of the bookstore (who also owns an organic deli) brewed up cinnamon apple tea and served us apple wedges and sweets - and then bade us take home the leftover whole grain breads from the deli! We obliged her. It was so nice.

And, now I am safely home in my warm little nest and ready to go out and veg in my chair until bedtime. Have a wonderful and restful Sunday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:27 PM | Comments (3)

November 18, 2004

More Snow Pics

Tried to get on here last night to upload some more pics and could not get into my account. Looks like there were some server problems . . . exacerbated by dialup problems due to some scattered power outages near us.

So, here I am today - with some more pics taken yesterday. Thanks to those who stopped by and left a comment (comments went down yesterday, too) saying that you enjoyed the pics.

Yesterday morning on the way to work I snapped a couple: (click for larger view)

November 17th
this was taken from the driveway looking across the road.

looking down the road towards my office. It is actually quite lovely.

hmmmmm - what's that brown spot? (taken on the way back to work after lunch)

Moose with snowy face - unusual for her and her baby to be out midday - they usually slumber through the day - and chew their cuds.

here's a closeup - just enlarged so grainy. Couldn't get closer because it spooks them.

No more snow overnight. The temps are still a bit warm (low 30s) so we might get some more today. The skies seem to promise more of the same.

Thanks again for your comments. I've invited Lisa to come and make snow angels with me. ;-) You're all invited, too.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:25 AM | Comments (5)

November 16, 2004


All day long we had a drippy type of snow . . . didn't stick to the cars . . . didn't stick to the roads . . . when one looked outside, it appeared as if the snow was not doing much.

Until one stepped out of the office, that is. THEN, it was apparent that the deception had taken place. And, in its place it left . . .


and, yes, shivering on top of the mailbox is the one, the only . . .


Had to go pick up the hubster from work as his vehicle wouldn't start - tried to jump it with my car, but he was unable to do so (which means I will be taking him to work in the morning and he will try in the daylight).

Took this shot of the neighboring property . . .


Yes, friends, it looks like winter has moved in lock, stock and barrel, and is here to stay for a spell. Guess we will just make the best of it. (I really need to go and get a coat - still wearing the denim jacket!)

Hope you are enjoying your fall/winter weather, too.

Posted by Purplemoose at 11:23 PM | Comments (4)

November 13, 2004


I can’t remember how I found this group – you know, link to link to link and suddenly you are wondering how you got to where you are? Yeah, like that. Anyway, I found them and am so glad that I did. They started out with the idea of a group of artists making something pink and then selling it on Ebay with all proceeds to be donated to the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

You can read more about their project idea.

Originally they were to end October 31st (October is breast cancer awareness month), but they decided to extend it and are still going. The following are the current Pink Auctions being offered. Go, bid, buy, and support the cause. So far I have been successful on one of the auctions – not gonna say which one at this point as it is for someone’s Christmas. ;-)

pendant 1 and

pendant 2

Rosebud Artist’s Doll

handknit cable headband

eyelash scarf

to keep track of anything else added, check out the The Pink Auction Live Journal Community

In other web-dinkings . . .

I love looking at online gift places. I enjoy seeing the things out there that I "don't need", but which are so much fun to think about. And, I enjoy buying things for others while at some of these spots, too. (hint . . packages have begun to arrive at the Moose's home for family members' Christmas - yay)

While checking in on the Bunny I followed a link to some bowls she had gotten and found what they call Reindeer Ears, but which can clearly be seen to be Moose Antlers! LOL This little gadget is too much fun. Not that I would pay that much for a nutcracker, mind you, but fun to look at. ;-)

Reindeer - or Moose?

Posted by Purplemoose at 01:29 PM | Comments (0)

November 09, 2004

My daughter!!!!

I tell you, friends, the kid is a web-guru, she is, she is. Give her an inch and she'll take the proverbial mile - that is, she'll take an idea and run with it. What comes out on the other end is just so very cool.

This blog design is hers, as was the one before it. The Ladybug's and Darlin's (as well as my sister's and niece's - even though they no longer post).

Lessa can somehow dig down into the person's psyche and strengths and pull out just the perfect thing. (Proud mama??? Yup, you bet)

And, where is all of this leading, you are probably asking yourselves (and rightfully so). Well, tonight I get to unveil Lessa's latest two site designs. I have been biding my time while some technical difficulties were worked out on the one and until she deemed it okay to go for it.

Tonight is the night . . .

Friends, I give you . . . Daloua Dance

and . . . Fish Lips and Bird Teeth Studio


I love the name on that last one. I met Karen, the designer of the pieces, at a bead show in Anchorage a few weeks ago. She has names for every one of the dames of the deep (click on the zipper pulls) and a story to go along with them. She had my friend and me in stitches. I bought one of the hearts - a pin - but want to get one of the lockets, too. I didn't realize they were lockets when I was there.

But, she will be at more shows and I will be at more shows to see her and I will soon have some of those dames, too. ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

In other news - tomorrow I was to head out of town on an "outreach" journey, taking agency materials to Hope, Moose Pass, and Cooper Landing. However, the weather has taken a dump and the roads are in very bad shape. So, I talked with the Director before I left tonight and we agreed that if it wasn't a whole lot better in the morning I would wait to take that trip.

So, I plan to go in to the office tomorrow. I'm sure I can find something there to do. ;-))

And, with that I will leave you for tonight, friends. Go on now and enjoy some of Lessa's work.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:33 PM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2004


Today was Miss Kinzie's turn to go shopping. When we arrived to pick her up she was out the door like a shot and off to the car with Paw-Paw to get her car seat. I stayed to visit with Mama Ladybug and get zerberts from Isaiah and approve Timothy's game of Pac-Man. Stayed a wee bit long as soon the telephone was ringing from Paw-Paw and Miss Kinzie in the car wondering WHEN I was coming out to go shopping.

Out the door I went.

We were richly entertained by the little miss all of the way to 'donald's" where she insisted she must have lunch. Rather than chicken nuggets, however, she insisted she needed a cheeseburger. Then we needed to go the play room to eat - and Paw-Paw had to sit in the kiddie chair (what is the name of the big purple character?) while she sat in the French Fry chair and Nana had to sit on the bench across from them. ;-))

She garners smiles wherever she goes, does that one.

At the grocery store she tickled the lady at the bakery by asking so politely for a cookie and then thanking her nicely. "It's a PUMPKIN, Nana!" ;-))

At the meat counter she played peek-a-boo shyly with the meat man and walked ring a rosie around my legs. She showed us how she can walk backwards without (almost anyway) walking into anyone else. She also galloped for us as she is trying to learn to skip.

We lost Paw-Paw at the dairy section when he ran into a buddy and talked - and talked - and TALKED. She tossed her pony tail and said "we're leaving you, Granpda!" And we did.

For, you see, it was time to go to the toy aisle. All of the grands enjoy the toy aisle. They "allow" us to do the grocery shopping first - generally garnering pudding cups or jello cups along the way - but their main concern is that toy aisle. They are allowed to pick one thing - we don't give them a price limit, but do try to stay in the $10 range.

Kinzie loves ponies - she loves the My Little Ponies - they are in the PINK aisle - and, believe me, she knows which aisle that one is. She picked out a pony with a storefront carry-case and decided she "loooooved" it. Into the cart it went. (the link above is to a page that sells the darned thing for $25!!!! We got it for $10!)

Down the next aisle we went, she leading the cart and chattering non-stop. I like this, Nana Well, sweetie, put the pony back and you may have that. Sigh - no, I want the pony. Okay, you may keep the pony, but you must leave that here. Okay.

Down the next aisle: even more glittering things . . . I like this, Nana Well, sweetie, put the pony back and you may have that. Sigh - no, I want the pony. Okay, you may keep the pony, but you must leave that here. Okay.

and so on through the rest of the toy section. We, of course, brought home the pony. ;-))

Generally this little miss falls asleep about a mile before we get her home. Not so today. She chattered and tickled us right to her door. Mama met us in the driveway and stashed the goodies (pony, puddings, etc.) in their car as Kinzie was headed out the north road to go ride a REAL pony. She gets to go once or twice a week as therapy for her motor control. I hope to go along some time in order to get a picture of her.

It has been a full and lovely day.

It was made even nicer tonight as when I got home from evening worship service hubby had done up the dishes for me - even though I told him I would take care of them when I got home. Awwwwww. ;-))

Have a great week, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:09 PM | Comments (3)

November 06, 2004

Don't faint

Entries two days in a row . . . whew!

Today is a PHOTO ENTRY for the most part. Granddaughter Mairi has begun basketball season. First game was this week and second was this morning. She is coming along - has been playing since she was old enough to do so by Boys & Girls Club standards. This year she is on a girls only 5th & 6th grade team.

Shots from this week . . .
(click for larger view)






and . . .

. . . just for fun . . .

what we do when we have a bit too much time on our hands . . .

Everyone tries on Grandpa's hat . . .


Jessi models for us . . .


and now, for a different angle . . .


Sean joins in on the fun . . .


And, last, but not least . . . Lessa models the hat for us.

And, now - post finished or unfinished, I must get off here and head to bed. I am nodding off as I type and upload the pics. So, I'll be a good sport and throw in the towel.

Have a wonderful Sunday, my friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:02 PM | Comments (1)

November 05, 2004

hey there . . .

My entries have been a bit helter-skelter, hither and yon lately. It’s a reflection of my mind, that hither and yon. Nothing major going on – just a conscious effort, I guess, of making myself available to hubby and family when needed. There is only so much time in the day. Right? Right.

Have been feeling sort of puny this week. Unable to figure out exactly what the problem is – left work early two days. I did make it through the day yesterday, but had promised to fill in at the desk for the receptionist while she went on her kids’ field trip, so felt that I should make the effort.

Nicely, it was a bit of a slow day. I was able to sit at the desk, answer a few phone calls, let a few people in the door, read the papers (part of the receptionist duties – honest) and pretty much veg out while getting paid to do so.

The Executive Director did have me working on a couple of projects that she needed, but they didn’t take a whole lot of time. (I’m blessed to be a quick typist) I even did the word search in the Anchorage paper. I like to challenge myself to find the words without looking at the list first. Once you get the hang of what the topic is, that is relatively easy.

Today I have been taking advantage of my day off. Slept in – clear until 7 a.m. and felt slightly guilty for having done so. Read the paper while the grandkiddos came down and had breakfast with Grandpa – I so enjoy listening to their banter . . . even when the pre-teen boy is Mr. Grumpypants and the girls snipe at each other. It is delicious to have their delightful little selves around us each school day.

In between chapters of a book (Thorn Birds) I have been putzing around the house all morning. Stripped and changed the bed, washed up the blankets, did up dishes, including a set of cups and saucers I am going to donate to a local shelter, and washed several loads of laundry besides the blankets. Not too bad for someone putzing around, huh? And, it is not even 1:30 yet. Woot!

Visited Mrs. Sullivan’s page today to see if there were more wedding photos. Her comments led me to believe I might find some at the mister’s page, but instead I see that Jon has gone black and is in mourning over the election results. I disagree that his world has ended – as he has been gifted with the lovely Batty as his bride. I’m trusting that he will come out of his funk soon and share the promised photos.

I visited the “virtual Canadian” page that Mz. Kitty mentions on her blog. That is another sad commentary on the after-election stuff going on in our country. And, you know . . . those of you who might be inclined to sign up on such a page . . . well, I dunno. I would just be careful, you know? Who is to say that such a list might not go to well, I don’t know where . . . but I would just be very leery of signing up on something like that. Especially, as I read through the page I note that emails and such WILL be posted on the page at a future date. Erg!! Spam delight.

I have successfully for the most part stayed out of the pre-election and post-election stuff. You see, I like so many of you all out there. I read your pages despite your(s or my) religious leanings, political leanings, sexual choices, yours or my morals. I read those whom I read because at one time or another something they have said has resonated within my own being.

Admittedly, there are a couple whose pages I did not read very often at the height of the election processes. I was getting enough hype via TV and radio ads, newspaper ads, telephone pollsters and pundits . . . well, enough was enough. I am finding myself popping into some of those blogs again . . . but I quickly go back away if there is too much political stuff still.

I think Memento Moron said it best . . .

In other news . . .

IT SNOWED here! Well, big surprise, huh? I live in Alaska after all. Sure wish someone would remind the idiotic drivers out there that THEY live in Alaska, too. Good grief! People driving without snow treads – or studded tires – driving at the same speeds they use on dry pavement. It’s a recipe for disaster. I was held up for about an hour Wednesday in traffic due to an accident. We only have a two-lane highway. Speeds crawled along at 20 mph after we got past the accident, and I was happy to be going no faster than that.

WE HAD BLACKOUTS! On election night. We were watching the US map turn from white to blue and red and the lights went out. So, we got out the toys. A few years ago I bought the hubby a self-propelled (wind-up) radio and lantern. He brought them out of the closet and we had light and music. Only the music lasted longer than the light, so we got out the candles and the oil lamps. I finished a book (Tim LaHaye’s Babylon Rising) by flashlight.

Then the lights came back on and we got to see a few more states colored in on the map. That outage had lasted about an hour. The lights stayed on just about an hour . . .

Then the lights went out again! This time I did up the dishes by lantern light. After all, if our foremothers could do it, so could I . . . as long as the hot water tank held out, right? In addition, I sat down and wrote a short piece on said foremothers and their lack of cushy appliances. (have sent that piece off to Alaska Women Speak magazine – their coming issue has the theme of light in Alaska’s dark times – pretty good timing, huh?)

The lights were still out a couple of hours later when I went on to bed. Figured that we would know when they came back on – and we did – because the light on the headboard is a touch light (it comes on after every power outage) and the tv was left on. So, along about midnight I was awakened by the light – and the tv – and went about getting the clocks readjusted (didn’t want to be late to work) and watched a bit more tv to see who had won the US senate seat for Alaska – the race that had been so ugly lately.

So, lots of excitement (of sorts) for election night hereabouts.

And, with that I will leave you good people – have a great weekend. See you soon.

Posted by Purplemoose at 01:57 PM | Comments (3)

November 01, 2004


As in Election Day minus 1, of course. Finally (!!!) tomorrow the day has come. No more advertising - no more pollster phone calls - no more recorded phone advertisements - no more door to door campaigning - no more shake my hand, while grinning compulsively around half truths at chamber of commerce luncheons (or Saturday morning breakfasts) - no more - no mas - nada . . .

and all God's people shouted AMEN!

After tomorrow, that is.

Bring on the shoutin' I say.

And, shoutin' there will be - by the winners, by the losers, by the pundits, by the lawyers, by you and me.

The only political thing I will say here is this . . .

Please, go vote.

. . . there now, that wasn't so bad, was it? I won't ask you for whom your bell tolled - nor will I expect you to ask that of me. I will simply repeat . . .

Please, go vote.

because, my friends, if you do NOT . . . well, then you have no complaints come Wednesday, now, do you? No complaints whatsoever. S/he who does not cast the first vote . . .

and all that.

take care, friends.

Let the healing begin.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:35 PM | Comments (2)

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top image original by beatrice faveneau