March 30, 2005


/lessa sneak

Everyone needs a new spring 'do.

Including you. *grin*

Hope ya like it - I've finally found that one little line of code I mucked up, and am now going to bed. *chuckles*

Love ya momma!

/end lessa sneak

Posted by Lessa at 02:57 AM | Comments (3)

March 28, 2005

WHAT did you say?

Oh be careful little mouth what you say . . .

So, I was at the store checking out - I had gotten several really good deals and the checker and I had been bantering back and forth. The total came up and then she ran her magic wand over it and deleted 70% off most of it - big sale today. The Total was $27.20 and I began rooting around looking for two dimes.

Instead I realized I would need to use a quarter - one of my state quarters - from where I keep the change in my purse.

As I rifled through looking I said "hmmm gonna have to use one of my funky quarters."

The checker looked up quickly and said "WHAT did you say?"

I repeated myself, she grew red and apologized. She told me it would have been a first for her - to hear a customer use the "f" word while she was working. It was then my turn to become red-faced. I apologized and said I had never thought of it sounding like that, but that I would be more careful in the future. I have always called those quarters by that name. That is going to have to change.

Sooooooo - how has your Monday gone?

Posted by Purplemoose at 03:38 PM | Comments (2)

March 26, 2005

Happy Easter memories

What are memories without photos?


My sister and me - 1954 - I'm 4, she's 3


Same two - 1967 - I'm 17, she's 16

Notice the odd tilts to our heads. Pictures were always taken with the subjects facing the sun. Ack! Close one eye, tilt the head, SNAP!

I'm on the left in both shots - the blond. And you just have to love the rag curls. We have extremely straight baby fine hair. It will not hold a curl to save us. So, for special events out came the rags - strips of (clean) old sheets. Mom would start at the top of a strand of hair. We would hold the top piece - about 2 inches - of rag while she wound our hair around from top to bottom. Then she wound the rag around the hair from bottom to top and tie the two ends together. Next morning, Shirley Temple-like curls. At least for long enough for us to go to church and dinner with the family.

Hair in the second picture courtesy of sponge rollers - ahhhh the first rendition of the flip. In order to get my hair to flip UP, it had to be curled UNDER. Too weird. And, tease? Oh, man . . . tease, tease, tease, back comb, spray, spray, spray. Aquanet Hair spray.

The following year when I began dating my hubby to be (again - we started dating at 15 - broke up at 17 - began dating again at 18) I went BLONDE in a big way - high school grad pic shows me with the BUBBLE hair-do totally blonde.

;-) Memories indeed.

Happy Easter, my friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:44 PM | Comments (6)

March 25, 2005

Home again

and you never even knew I was gone, right? ;-)

Hubby and I drove to Anchorage again yesterday - stayed overnight so he could take another test today and then drove home again. The test was a bit disappointing, but he will take it again and the next time he will ace it!

Full house at the B&B last night - every room taken by a group from West Virginia who had been in Alaska for a funeral of a relative. They stayed in Anchorage overnight prior to returning to W. VA this morning.

Soooo - we were treated more like family than guests this time - stayed in one of the family rooms - no tv in the room - no bathroom in the room. We were on the main floor right across the hall from the owners. We used the main bathroom and pretty much made ourselves at home. It was actually kind of cool. We have stayed there a number of times now and enjoy the company of the owners.

Below is a shot of the front of the Dimond Center Mall - yes, that is spelled correctly, btw. I loved the reflection of the clouds.

dimond in the sky

Tomorrow a group of the women from church will meet the pastor's wife and daughters at the old church's parsonage. They have recently moved to their own home and we are going to clean this house before they turn back the keys. Shouldn't take us TOO long now that all of the furniture is gone. We have scheduled four hours, though, to make sure.

So - I need to go get my beauty sleep. Have a wonderful Saturday, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:48 PM | Comments (0)

March 22, 2005

Is that all there is?

Me and my big mouth! Going on and on in my last entry about spring, etc. No wonder the internet ate my entry!

Three nights and two days of howling 90 mph wind gusts later and we had snow today. SNOW!!!! Ack! Okay, it wasn't much, but it is supposed to snow another 3-4 inches overnight. Yuk! I am soooooo ready for spring time.

Yeah, yeah, I know - it'll come, then summer will come, then it'll snow again and I'll be all in love with the winter wonderland in which I live. I hear ya.

The snow today was weird - teeny pellets. Fell like hail, but tiny things. And, deadly too. It sat on top of the icy parking lot at work and grabbed me when I left this afternoon. BOOM! down went the purplemoose! One minute UP and the next minute down! Ever so gracefully (NOT!) I picked myself back up and went back inside to fill out an incident report. (required action) Sigh! The humiliation of it all.

One nice thing - I already had set an appointment with my chiropractor and her hubby the masseuse for tomorrow morning. Ahhhhhhhhh. Sweet relief.

Day 16 of the TLT II fast. You can read about it over at Coming to Size. But I wanted to mention here something that a friend shared with me - Pacific Foods Mushroom Broth. yuuuuummm! It's good all by itself. Try it with v-8 juice and a splash of Frank's hot sauce. That's some tasty sipping! LOTS of garlic!!! I warm it up on the stove and then sip away. Helps with the cold shivers I get, too.

Cold - that is something that I have been feeling a lot over the past 16 days. I'm assured that is normal and that when I begin eating solids and my digestive system begins working again they will go away. I'll tell you, it is really different for ME to lie in bed shivering! I am one of many queens of hot flashes, you know. ;-)

Well, I need my beauty sleep. You all have a wonderful Wednesday. OH! - Go and peek in on the Ladybug (link right over there to the right) and see what her girlie got today. Thera Togs will help her strengthen her muscles and straighten her gait. What a blessing. I wish you could have seen the SMILE she was wearing when she came to show them to me today! She felt good in them and Mama said she was even able to RUN without pain today. Yay!

Speaking of blessings - and by way of a request for prayer - please go and check out the page of the infant son of a Kenai Police officer. When you get to that page the patient name is Turnage and the password is Justus05. Little guy was able to have the needed surgery this morning, which is a praise, but he is going to need a lot of prayer as he recovers. You see - Justus was born with a "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, which is a hole in the Diaphram that allows the bowels to enter the chest cavity".

The docs repaired that today, but he is not out of the woods yet. So all prayers are requested and thankfully received.

This little boy's daddy was one of my 3 year old preschoolers back in '81 during one of my former lives. ;-) He is also the young man I wrote about October 27, 2003. Aaron was the one kid I could count on remembering me. Every once in awhile I would run into his mama as he was growing up and he always spoke to me politely and called me by name. Most of those little kids would deny ever knowing me. ;-) But not Aaron.

So please lift up a prayer for this new little family. Thanks

and, good night.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:51 PM | Comments (3)

March 18, 2005

Still here

so, how is everyone out there doing tonight? I had this in-depth entry typed in earlier - and then my computer froze up and it all went away. Sigh.

I waxed poetic about what a beautifully sunny and clear day we were having - how the sun was melting the snow and ice - how spring seems to be getting closer and closer. And, then it all went poof!

Well, before it went "poof" I nattered on about the ins and outs of buying delicate unmentionables. No, I am not going to repeat it. You will just have to keep guessing.

In the meantime - I now weigh less than I have weighed in a very long time. There will be an update over at Coming to Size. Check out the March 17th entry for a comparison photo.

Enjoy your weekend - I am going to push SAVE on this puppy before it disappears also. 'night.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:52 PM | Comments (1)

March 14, 2005

Weight changes

a new entry over at Coming to Size.

And . . . I received a nice surprise in the mail today . . . Ladybug and Lolo got together to wish me a happy belated birthday with another mini Girlie Girl. If you'll click on Lolo's link here it will take you to the entry which shows both of my girlies. I bought the one on the right which I call the Bauble Girlie and Ladybug gifted me with the one on the left - the Girlie with the Bunny in her hair. ;-)

Thank you, Ladybug, and thank you Lolo for helping her surprise me.

Did you find a surprise on your answering machine, Lolo? Sorry we didn't connect. Hope to chat with you another time.

You all have a wonderful evening.

Posted by Purplemoose at 06:05 PM | Comments (1)

March 12, 2005

I'm not the one getting older


My firstborn grandson is that one . . . at least at this time. Sigh! He's a teenager. My blond, blue-eyed, bouncing baby grandson . . . is now THIRTEEN!

Hubby and I had to go to Anchorage on the boy's birthday, but we called him and sang to him and got his wish list for a TRU trip we were planning to make.

His mama and auntie Ladybug got together and threw him a skating party with the above cake to round out the occasion. There are more pics, but his mama will have to come in here and give a link if she chooses to do so. Trust me on this, he had a great time. ;-)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Apparently I was a tad too cryptic in my previous post . . . the first photo and the close up were of GREEN grass . . . GREEN!! Yes, I tell you , GREEN!!! Hiding there amidst the melting snow and the old tattered remains of last year's grass there are sprigs of GREEN.

You see, along about now, this old moose is just salivating over the need for GREEN and it is always so very nice to find some in the yard. I am aching for it so much that I took pictures, silly git that I am. ;-)

At the rate it has been melting, it shouldn't take too much longer . . . and then I can get out the motorcycle and head off seeking greener grass. Heh.

But for now I will be content and bid you all a good night. Have a peaceful Sunday.

Posted by Purplemoose at 10:23 PM | Comments (3)

March 10, 2005


There is hope visible!
Click to see a close up

It's mellllllllllllllttttttttttiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnngggggggg! Yay! Of course, that means it is yucky, gray, slushy . . . but, hey, that's what living in Alaska will get you for a time. And, then it will one day be awesome in its green finery. And we will all enjoy it immensely.

Went to the elementary school yesterday afternoon to watch Ladybug's boys do their thing. TAT has been taking a dance class after school a couple of days a week, and bigger brother has been doing drama. Yesterday was their finale and performance. Very cute.

I'll only post a few pictures - I had help aiming the camera (Zay-Zay) and that means they were all pretty fuzzy. He's a great little helper, he is. (especially if he wants DOWN)


TAT does the hip-hop dance

Troll Dance

The trolls give chase

Drama Group (Dezi was part of the troll group - in brown)

4 Billy Goats Gruff

oh, no! another goat got across the bridge!

take a bow
The End - and we all take a bow.

Too much fun.

Hubby and I are headed to Anchorage in about an hour. I'll not be back online until Saturday evening. You all have a wonderful weekend.

oh! and weight loss updates can now be found at Coming Into Size


Posted by Purplemoose at 12:30 PM | Comments (3)

March 08, 2005

da band

Tonight Miss Thang had a band concert. The kids have set a high goal for themselves . . . three concerts this year. Tonight was number two. And, since they only have 6 weeks of band/school left this year, they are going to have to work really hard to get ready for that third concert before the end of the year.


solo: Snake Charmer

Little Sister's reaction

Tomorrow night Ladybug's two boys have a program. It is early - before dinner - but I will be able to go after all because I am only working a partial day. Yay!

'night, friends.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:02 PM | Comments (2)

March 06, 2005

Want to follow along the trail?
Here's the official Iditarod Race site.

The race is officially on - the mushers left the official start in Willow today and are on the trail. You can find all the up to date standings by going to the above link.

And, for those of you who have youngsters . . . read the story of Balto, one of the brave dogs who raced across Alaska to Nome to deliver serum to stop the diphtheria outbreak in the winter of 1925. You can either read the story online or print a copy of it. (You can also get it at bookstores or libraries, I'm sure.)


Yesterday I was privileged to take part in an award presentation for one of my younger volunteers. Each year the Violet Richardson Award is given by the Soroptimist Organization. It is given at a local level and then the young ladies go on to compete at a national level.

When I saw the announcement in the paper I called this one volunteer and suggested that she try for the award. She would have to write an essay and turn it in to the group and then it would be judged. W worked very hard on her essay - I cried when she called me and read it to me before submitting. She has grown so much since she has become a volunteer.

Then, when we found she had won the award - well, her Mama and I were ever so tickled. Saturday at a Young Women's Conference the Soroptimists were holding, W received her award - a plaque, a rose, and a check for $200 check to be used however she wished. In addition she could designate any orgainization in the area to receive a duplicate amount. She was so sweet and asked that it be given to my agency.

But even more important was the recognition she received. Some of the girls in the audience knew her, but had no idea why she was there or that she was to receive the award - she is shy and modest, also. They were great supporters for her, however, when she received the award. One of my coworkers and I were there to represent the agency (and receive the check). But I would have been there even if not directed to be (nor paid to be) by my boss. It was important to me that W know how proud I was of her.

I took pictures of her and she will be in our next newsletter - I also will send the picture to the newspaper and hope they will print it, too.

So, my weekend was sort of chopped up. I usually have Friday - Sunday off. It will be chopped up next week, too, as I have to work all day next Saturday at the local health fair representing my program - there will be several others from the agency there as well.

I will work M-W, have Thursday and Friday off, work Saturday, and then have Sunday off. The following week I have a weird schedule, also, working M-W and then half day Thursday, but I will not have to work again until the following Monday. Hubby has to go to Anchorage both Fridays to take his securities exams. We'll drive up on the Thursdays and back on Fridays.

And, just to add to all of THAT excitement, is even bigger stuff family-wise. Yes, another birthday. This time . . . my oldest grandson - my first born grandchild - Sean will be 13 (!!!!) on Thursday. We will see him before we go to Anchorage and he will be well loved upon both then and on our return. He gets to have the BIG birthday bash at the roller rink on Saturday, and have his friends come, too.

Very exciting stuff.

So - you all have a grand week. I'll pop in from time to time as I can and give you updates.


Posted by Purplemoose at 10:44 PM | Comments (1)

March 05, 2005

I did, I did, I did . . .

well, no I didn't, but there are several who have done it and several more who are planning to do it . . .

The Iditarod Trail.

Tomorrow is the day - the racers have pulled their numbers, and they have gotten the last "good" meal they are going to get for awhile - except for the first one to the half way point - that person is generally wined and dined (and presented with filthy lucre).

By now the dogs are bedded down and so are the mushers. Tomorrow is a big day for them all.

Want to follow along the trail? Here's the official Iditarod Race site.

And, in case you are wondering, I did the Iditarod Trail is a song written and sung by the one and only Hobo Jim. Jim is a classic act - please note, I did not say a class act. ;-) But he is some kinda fun.

And, here's a bit of fun for you - want to know what the weather is like in some parts of Alaska - there are now "weather cams" set up in several strategic locations around the state. Check them out.

Sort of has a Big Brotherish feel to it - at least to me. I just drove some of those roads last week - and had no clue the cameras are there. Found out through the news jockeys a few days ago. Now when I drive through those areas, I think I will probably be looking for the cameras.

Yes, the reason they are (purported to be) there is so that travelers can check to see how the roads are faring in whatever current weather pattern present. Of course that is so . . . nevertheles . . .


Okay, friends. Time for me to say good night.

Posted by Purplemoose at 12:02 AM | Comments (4)

March 03, 2005

What's a Gramma to do?

Whew! Four! Count them . . . four! school programs tonight.

The elementary kiddos had "Read Around" sponsored by RIF (Reading is Fundamental). Each classroom (this is a K-2 school) hosted 15 minutes of reading in their rooms.

First up was Dezi's class - they read a Dr. Seuss book (he has a birthday coming up, you know) Fox in Socks. Dezi is a superb reader!

Then we went from his class to Miss Jessi's classroom where her teacher read a book (sorry, not sure of that title) about a "Max" who kept telling the scary monsters to shush. Jessi was in her element as she danced and grew tall like the trees - and rowed her boat around the room.

Originally we were supposed to have back to back to back so that we could see ALL of the children do their things, but somehow the schedule got changed and Timothy's was at the SAME time (the nerve of them!) as Jessi's. I left her class a bit early to try to see him. His door was closed! And, the rule is . . . if the door is closed no one can enter the room. Sigh.

So, I watched through the window, holding Isaiah. It looked (and sounded - muffled) like a really fun story.

The children were all then allowed to go to the library to pick out a special RIF book - for free, Nana!

meanwhile . . .

Auntie Lessa and I rushed out of THAT school to drive back across town to the High School where Sean was going to sing with the Middle School choir. He's a tenor. He's also going to be 13 (!!!!!) on the 10th. We made it in time - phew - and even found a seat where I was comfortable. yay!

Oh, I tell you - the music, friends, the music! The voices on those kids! Well, I love music anyway - all types (well, maybe not opera - okay, not rap either), but especially choral music. They did bouncy, they did folksy, they did swingy, they did it all. And, they looked like they were having a darned good time, too.

So, just what is a Gramma to do? I would pull myself inside out if I needed to, in order to support them and love them and listen to their songs and stories and giggles.

I'm a happy, albeit tired, contented Gramma tonight.

Posted by Purplemoose at 09:33 PM | Comments (4)

March 02, 2005

An Alaskan Visitor

Mary Lou tells of Leslie and her niece's friend . . . with the idea that maybe the friend should visit other areas as well. So I brought her to Kenai and gave her a tour . . . come along with us . . .

lots of pictures ahead - dial-up users, please be patient.

posing with the PurpleMoose and friends

mixing it up with (a photo of) Jay Leno and me

time to take Kinzie to Kenaitze Head Start

with Head Start teacher and Kinzie
(camera was cold so the pic is foggy)

and off we go on our tour . .
Welcome to the Kenai Airport

bicentennial display - 1791-1991

City of Kenai office building

Kenai Police Department - Kenai's finest in blue

Kenai Fire Department - as close as 911

Kenai Chamber of Commerce

And the Chamber "bear" from the front

Kenai Visitors & Cultural Center

An icon of Kenai - The Russian Orthodox Church

from the bluff: the Water & Sewer plant
a plane coming in for a landing at the airport
and a bit of the Kenai River and Cook Inlet

the center of Kenai activity - the Post Office

Kenai Fine Arts

Kenai Historical Society
home of Kenai Cooperative Preschool

Kenai Little League fields (snow covered)

Where the PurpleMoose works

after all of the touring around - one gets a bit thirsty
this is purported to be the oldest such establishment
in Kenai - it is definitely a landmark.

Well, I enjoyed the quick tour - there is a lot more I wish I could have shown you all, but time ran out and I wanted to get this up for MaryLou and Leslie. I'll try to do this again in the summer - with the PurpleMoose along with me - you'll get a whole different look at Kenai then.

have a wonderful day, everyone.

Posted by Purplemoose at 12:44 PM | Comments (4)

all contents (c) PurpleMoose in her own name ~ layout and design Lessa's Design
top image original by beatrice faveneau